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Last in:23.03.2015
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Last in:23.03.2015
Configuration:12" Excl
automat & max loderbauer - verstärker
automat & max loderbauer - hall
automat & max loderbauer - kompressor
automat & max loderbauer - echo
S E L E K T ? S E L E K T is the name of the new Bureau B sublabel
S E L E K T is the 12" platform for experiments by musicians on the label or other artists
S E L E K T offers space for collaborations and remixes. No borders

The protagonists:
Automat: Berlin music collective comprising Jochen Arbeit (Einstürzende Neubauten, Die Haut), Achim Färber (Project Pitchfork, Prag) and Georg Zeitblom (Sovetskoe Foto). Their debut album appeared in April 2014 on Bureau B.
Max Loderbauer: Berlin musician, producer and sonic architect on ambient, IDM and minimal techno terrain. One half of the Sun Electric duo in the 1990s, later a member of the Moritz von Oswald Trio, various collaborations with Ricardo Villalobos.
The outcome: dark, hypnotic, experimental electro dub/IDM

Andreas Reihse (Kreidler) on Automat & Max Loderbauer:
Muffled hammering grows rhythmical. An uncarpeted snare joins in, clicks and clacks, babbling, racing from left to right around your head, out the back and in through the front again, a beat, a beat drives forward, forward through jungle, tunnels, pushing on and on, Tempelhof, down the corridor, knocking, knock knock, doors open, everyone in. Doors close. A cigarette. Menthol. Hangs in the air. Screws the spring into the metal. Sacral. Sharpens. Sharpens. The sound gets dirtier. Breaks off. Breathe. Another cigarette. Menthol. Feedback fills the room and on it goes.
Automat and Max Loderbauer open proceedings on the new SELEKT label quite masterfully with an auspicious 4 track EP - Verstärker / Hall / Kompressor / Echo. How did this come about? Automat, busy recording their second album, came across Max Loderbauer in the neighbouring studio. They got along swimmingly and started working together straight away. "Everything played live, no overdubs" as Automat's bass player Georg Zeitblom confirms - first take, no shake. The studio was stripped down to basics. No computers though: a tape machine, guitar amplifier, analogue EQs, rehearsal space: "Re-rewind, the crowd say Bo Selekter!"