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Configuration:12" Excl
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Last in:13.11.2009
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Last in:13.11.2009
Configuration:12" Excl
After a being released a couple of years ago on an american indie rock label, it was time to bring this track back out again and release the funk one more time on the dancefloor with Akufen's remix of Supa Doopa from Les Georges Leningrad, a cult rock band from Montreal recently disbanded. For the first on Akufen's own label Musique Risquée, this almost unknown remix he's made in the last years is available again on 12” with a completely new and much improved mastering and a nice full side cut. This track brings us back to the funky swinging side of Akufen's music, with his usual crazy voice cut-ups, groovy piano stabs and solid driving drum programming, recalling Herbert'scraziest moments. Supa Doopa indeed! P.S. This is a vinyl only release. More