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Last in:05.12.2017
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Last in:05.12.2017
Configuration:12" Excl
A1. Histoires Vraies
A2. Fair Is The Field
B1. Whatever's inside

The mighty one-man-band with the most notoriously misspelled airport pick-up signs in music history returns to his beloved hometown imprint Musique Risquée with a scorching three-track can of shake-ass. Guillaume & The Coutu Dumonts is never one to shy away from fresh contrasts in his works, and we have no exceptions here - all manner of dark-to-light, flacid-to-hard, and identifiable-to-WTF? moments, sounds, and vibes abound.
Lead-off piece "Histories Vraies" brilliantly soundtracks the inevitable future moment when a season-premiere costumed viewing party for Game Of Thrones unknowingly gets their punch spiked with moon rocks and teleported right to the middle of Panoramabar at peak time. A2 jam "Far Is The Field" counterattacks with the next level fusion of Sun Ra Arkestra-esque transmissions wrapped around a Humpty Dance-on-steroids Bassline, twisting and shifting away from the hands on the clock with beautiful ease - "I am Music.." indeed. Finally, B-side long-burner "Whatever's Inside" rocks a sultry belly dancer's theme song at an FM and modular synth Bazaar on Uranus, with G & the CD's patented sharp percussion fills ensuring that the resulting melted faces and hearts will still be set in motion by the all-important collective flexing of the Gluteus maximus.