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Label:De School
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Label:De School
De School is thrilled to announce the release of HET ALTIJD: a 160-page journey back to and through its now-defunct club, art spaces, café, and restaurant, which closed their doors on January 15. HET ALTIJD archives De School’s essential facets, functions, spaces, and stories, from the pre-DS days to the moment the music stopped. In sync with De School’s eight-year- spanning program, the publication is a sensory and experience-based format that crisscrosses disciplines and allows those who enter to define their own route. The release of HET ALTIJD follows the launch of HET ARCHIEF, the extensive sound archives unlocked earlier this year.

More than a final form of documentation, HET ALTIJD was created to be an experience in itself, expanding on the time-erasing sense of exploration that a deep dive into De School embodied. Preserved records such as architectural sketches and art documentation are interwoven with original imagery by various creative contributors, including semi-anonymous portraits of club regulars, and post-closing snapshots taken just minutes after the very last dance. Recurring throughout the publication, and featured on the cover, is the abstracted thermal imagery of artist Loes de Boer, who chronicled the 66-hour closing (Het Einde) while upholding De School’s distinct sense of anonymity and wonder. In HET ALTIJD, the no-photo policy is simultaneously upheld and lifted—leaving space to roam and relive De School one last time.

HET ALTIJD refrains from a singular storyline and exclusively features text found in, on, and around Doctor Jan van Breemenstraat 1. Left-behind wall markings, toilet scribbles and sticky notes from the basement were photographed and excerpted to form fragmentary, touching, and tongue-in-cheek poetry that revive individual and collective memories. In addition, the non-linear graphic design and—lack of—binding allows anyone to (re)arrange their very own De School encounters. Holding HET ALTIJD together is a translucent red cover featuring the instantly recognisable grid: a final nod to De School, the warm hue of its seemingly endless hallways, and its enduring, all-encompassing foundation. More