Last in:23.05.2016
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Last in:23.05.2016
Frankfurt’s Matthias Vogt has assembled quite the back catalogue over the past decade, from his timeless work as one half of Motorcitysoul on Aus Music and Freerange Records, to the six albums released by his popular jazz ensemble [re:jazz]. Matthias now teams up with London label Anjunadeep for a string of releases, kicking off with the ‘Seven Summits EP’. Featured on the #1 iTunes Dance compilation ‘Anjunadeep 07’, title track ‘Seven Summits’ is a wistful trip through mystic melodies and haunting soundscapes, deftly blending delicate production with raw emotion. Growing from sparse strings and jaunty keys, ‘Schwarzbach’ is another piece of subtle melodic house, flowing through elegant atmospherics before swelling to an understated crescendo. ‘Can We All Be Still’ takes a leftfield turn; a beautiful downtempo track built around a simple stabbing bassline and ethereal meditative vocals from Pete Josef.
More records from matthias vogt
Label:Frank Music
Configuration:10" Excl
Last in:17.09.2024
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Last in:17.09.2024
Label:Frank Music
Configuration:10" Excl
Matthias Vogt - Augen zu (08:13)
Matthias Vogt - Die Tiefe (07:48)
Vital Sales Points:
- originally released on FORCE INC in 1999
- 10" limited to 100 copies - remastered
Genre: House
Tracklist 10”:
A1 Augen zu (08:13)
B1 Die Tiefe (07:48)
Short Info:
Flashback - Frankfurt am Main in the 1990s: Matthias Vogt writes record reviews for Groove magazine, works as a DJ in various clubs and studies jazz piano. His first releases as a producer are already on the street. When one of his favourite labels, for which he had written numerous reviews, Force Inc, opened a house sub-label (Force Inc US), Matthias submitted two of his own tracks to the label. The "DJ Matt" EP entitled "Die Tiefe / Augen zu" is released. The two completely analogue-produced tracks mark the beginning of Matthias' journey into the realms of deep house music.
A few months later, Matthias Vogt's career takes off, with a move within the same Frankfurt corridor, from Force Inc. to INFRACom! and the launch of his projects [re:jazz], Motorcitysoul and Matthias Vogt Trio. Cut. Today: A social media post drew the attention of Berlin DJ, producer and label maker Johannes Albert to the story surrounding the 1999 release. Now, 25 years later, "Augen zu/Die Tiefe" is being completely remastered from the original DAT tape by Gyso Hilger (Nektarium Darmstadt) and reissued - looking and sounding great - as a 10" on Frank Music.
- originally released on FORCE INC in 1999
- 10" limited to 100 copies - remastered
Genre: House
Tracklist 10”:
A1 Augen zu (08:13)
B1 Die Tiefe (07:48)
Short Info:
Flashback - Frankfurt am Main in the 1990s: Matthias Vogt writes record reviews for Groove magazine, works as a DJ in various clubs and studies jazz piano. His first releases as a producer are already on the street. When one of his favourite labels, for which he had written numerous reviews, Force Inc, opened a house sub-label (Force Inc US), Matthias submitted two of his own tracks to the label. The "DJ Matt" EP entitled "Die Tiefe / Augen zu" is released. The two completely analogue-produced tracks mark the beginning of Matthias' journey into the realms of deep house music.
A few months later, Matthias Vogt's career takes off, with a move within the same Frankfurt corridor, from Force Inc. to INFRACom! and the launch of his projects [re:jazz], Motorcitysoul and Matthias Vogt Trio. Cut. Today: A social media post drew the attention of Berlin DJ, producer and label maker Johannes Albert to the story surrounding the 1999 release. Now, 25 years later, "Augen zu/Die Tiefe" is being completely remastered from the original DAT tape by Gyso Hilger (Nektarium Darmstadt) and reissued - looking and sounding great - as a 10" on Frank Music.
2LP Excl
Configuration:2LP Excl
Last in:21.06.2024
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Last in:21.06.2024
Configuration:2LP Excl
Matthias Vogt - Pianissimo
Matthias Vogt - Quintessence
Matthias Vogt - Music For Interviews
Matthias Vogt - Elegy
Matthias Vogt - Shimmering Sea
Matthias Vogt - Cargo
Matthias Vogt - Amdu
Matthias Vogt - The Mind Traveller
Matthias Vogt - Dystopia
Matthias Vogt - Afraid Of The Future
Matthias Vogt - Lament in D Minor
Matthias Vogt - Down To Earth
Matthias Vogt - I Remember Being Loved
Matthias Vogt - Introduction
Matthias Vogt - Outro
Matthias Vogt - Vinyl Bonus- Une Nuit Exceptionnelle
Matthias Vogt ([re:jazz], Motorcitysoul) verbindet auf seinem neuen Album "Pianissimo" großartige Musik mit aktuellen gesellschaftspolitischen Einstellungen und Themen. In diesem Kontext wird Musik relevant! Pianissimo bedeutet nicht nur, sehr leise zu spielen, sondern auch sehr intensiv zu spielen. Seine Begleiter sind Demian Kappenstein (ÄTNA & Masaa) am Schlagzeug & Gitarrist Daniel Stelter (Sing meinen Song, TV-Total Heavytones). Das Vinyl inkl. der Umverpackung wird auf komplett recycelter Basis von INFRACom! produziert.
"At the eleventh hour" bedeutet im angloamerikanischen Raum so viel wie "Fünf vor Zwölf". Und mit seinem zwölften Album "Pianissimo" gibt Matthias Vogt erstmals ein klares politisches Statement ab, das nicht in Konkurrenz, sondern in Symbiose mit seinen wohlgesetzten Noten und dem stilvoll experimentellen und prononciert eklektischen Electro-Jazz-Sound existiert. Wie das geht? Es ist kompliziert und doch ganz einfach, gehaltvoll, spannend und dabei geradezu organisch gewachsen.
Am Anfang war das Piano. Matthias Vogt hatte in vielen Monaten der pandemiebedingten Club- und Livemusik-Pause eine, wie er selbst betont, "verinnerlichte Musik" komponiert. Bald war ihm aber klar, dass die Musik mehr wollte, als es die elegischen, zuweilen bis an die Neoklassik heranwogenden Jazzklänge zunächst vermuten ließen. Mit dem Gitarristen Daniel Stelter und Schlagzeuger Demian Kappenstein fand er zwei kongeniale Mitstreiter, um aus seinen inneren Monologen machtvolle musikalische Manifeste zu gestalten. So wurde etwa aus der melancholischen "Elegy" ein augenzwinkernd schiebender Dub-Reggae-Groove, aus den Molltönen von "Down to Earth" ein wohlgefälliger Downtempo Vibe zum Mitwippen. Und mit dem Video-Designer Sebastian Rieker war das Band-Projekt beinahe komplett.
"Everything in our lives is political" (Asterico, Japan)
Gedanklich trieben Matthias Vogt jenseits des Studios ganz andere Themen um: Klimawandel und Naturkatastrophen, die Abholzung von Wäldern für umstrittene Autobahnen und Braunkohlebergbau sowie Veganismus als persönliche Strategie, Tierleid zu verhindern und den eigenen, ökologischen Fußabdruck zu reduzieren. Also führte er zu diesen Themen Interviews mit Menschen aus seinem Freundes- und Bekanntenkreis - Kreative, Künstler*innen, Aktivist*innen und Musiker*inen, die ähnlich ticken wie er selbst und mit deren Stimmen er seinen eigenen Gedanken Ausdruck und Form verleihen konnte:
"Everything in our lives is political", sagt die in Hiroshima geborene "Rico", eigentlich Asterico: "Let's just put that straight: Everything you do, everything you see, everything you live in is political." Und "Doing nothing is not defensible", stellt Tom Szirtes aus London in "Music for Interviews" mit ruhiger, aber auch besorgter Stimme fest "Now is the time that we have to do something", spricht Danny Howells, DJ aus London, über den elegischen Soundtrack "Amdu", "otherwise we have no chance." Auch die deutsche Umweltaktivistin Pippi sowie Daphne Fernberger, Tänzerin aus New York, und ihr Mann, der französische Musiker und Tänzer Ulysse verleihen mit ihren authentischen Statements der abstrakten Emotionalität der Musik eine tiefe Erdung.
Asterico, Tom, Danny, Pippi, Ulysses und Daphne repräsentieren wie die Musiker Vogt, Stelter und Kappenstein eine neue Art kreatives Weltbürgertum, das Lichtjahre vom materialistischen Hedonismus der 1980er und 1990er und beinahe ebensoweit von der ungezügelten Technikgläubigkeit entfernt ist, die seit den Nullerjahren des neuen Jahrtausends vor allem in den USA und Asien, aber auch in Europa die merkwürdigsten und zum Teil hoch gefährlichen Blüten treibt. Aber passt so viel politisch-philosophischer Gehalt, so viel engagierter Aktivismus kombiniert mit konzentriert-experimenteller Musikalität auf die doch recht überkommene Form eines Longplayers mit 15 bzw. 16 Titlen auf dem Vinyl ? Die kurze Antwort lautet: Ja.
Die lange Version: "Pianissimo" passt genau wegen seiner Vielstimmigkeit in diese von Pandemie und Naturkatastrophen und dem erschütterten Glauben an die Lösbarkeit aller Zivilisationsprobleme gezeichneten Zeit. "Vielstimmig" ist "Pianissimo" auch in dem Sinne, dass dieses schön gestaltete Gefäß die ganze Bandbreite vom dystopischen "Lamento" bis hin zu den hoffnungsvoll groovenden Tönen einer "Une Nuit Exceptionelle" zu fassen vermag, ohne zu zerbrechen. Es wäre zu simpel nach einer einzigen, verbindenden Message zu fragen, nur so viel sei vielleicht erlaubt: Es ist Fünf vor Zwölf, allerhöchste Zeit zum Aufstehen... und wenn du erstmal aufgestanden bist, um deine Stimme zu erheben, kannst du auch gleich ein bisschen dazu tanzen.
Genre: Electronic / Jazz / Ambient / Neo Classic
A - 33 rpm
01. Pianissimo (DEQ922100004) 01:50
02. Quintessence (DEQ922100005) 04:39
03. Music For Interviews (DEQ922100006) 04:49
04. Elegy (DEQ922100007) 04:28
B - 33 rpm
05. Shimmering Sea (DEQ922100008) 04:22
06. Cargo (DEQ922100009) 06:32
07. Amdu (DEQ922100010) 04:06
08. The Mind Traveller (DEQ922100011) 05:53
C - 33 rpm
09. Dystopia (DEQ922100012) 04:08
10. Afraid Of The Future (DEQ922100013) 03:15
11. Lament in D Minor (DEQ922100014) 05:25
12. Down To Earth (DEQ922100015) 05:29
D - 33 rpm
13. I Remember Being Loved (DEQ922100016) 03:58
14. Introduction (DEQ922100017) 01:17
15. Outro (DEQ922100018) 01:32
---Vinyl Bonus---
16. Une Nuit Exceptionnelle (DEQ922100019) 06:31
Matthias Vogt ([re:jazz], Motorcitysoul) verbindet auf seinem neuen Album "Pianissimo" großartige Musik mit aktuellen gesellschaftspolitischen Einstellungen und Themen. In diesem Kontext wird Musik relevant! Pianissimo bedeutet nicht nur, sehr leise zu spielen, sondern auch sehr intensiv zu spielen. Seine Begleiter sind Demian Kappenstein (ÄTNA & Masaa) am Schlagzeug & Gitarrist Daniel Stelter (Sing meinen Song, TV-Total Heavytones). Das Vinyl inkl. der Umverpackung wird auf komplett recycelter Basis von INFRACom! produziert.
"At the eleventh hour" bedeutet im angloamerikanischen Raum so viel wie "Fünf vor Zwölf". Und mit seinem zwölften Album "Pianissimo" gibt Matthias Vogt erstmals ein klares politisches Statement ab, das nicht in Konkurrenz, sondern in Symbiose mit seinen wohlgesetzten Noten und dem stilvoll experimentellen und prononciert eklektischen Electro-Jazz-Sound existiert. Wie das geht? Es ist kompliziert und doch ganz einfach, gehaltvoll, spannend und dabei geradezu organisch gewachsen.
Am Anfang war das Piano. Matthias Vogt hatte in vielen Monaten der pandemiebedingten Club- und Livemusik-Pause eine, wie er selbst betont, "verinnerlichte Musik" komponiert. Bald war ihm aber klar, dass die Musik mehr wollte, als es die elegischen, zuweilen bis an die Neoklassik heranwogenden Jazzklänge zunächst vermuten ließen. Mit dem Gitarristen Daniel Stelter und Schlagzeuger Demian Kappenstein fand er zwei kongeniale Mitstreiter, um aus seinen inneren Monologen machtvolle musikalische Manifeste zu gestalten. So wurde etwa aus der melancholischen "Elegy" ein augenzwinkernd schiebender Dub-Reggae-Groove, aus den Molltönen von "Down to Earth" ein wohlgefälliger Downtempo Vibe zum Mitwippen. Und mit dem Video-Designer Sebastian Rieker war das Band-Projekt beinahe komplett.
"Everything in our lives is political" (Asterico, Japan)
Gedanklich trieben Matthias Vogt jenseits des Studios ganz andere Themen um: Klimawandel und Naturkatastrophen, die Abholzung von Wäldern für umstrittene Autobahnen und Braunkohlebergbau sowie Veganismus als persönliche Strategie, Tierleid zu verhindern und den eigenen, ökologischen Fußabdruck zu reduzieren. Also führte er zu diesen Themen Interviews mit Menschen aus seinem Freundes- und Bekanntenkreis - Kreative, Künstler*innen, Aktivist*innen und Musiker*inen, die ähnlich ticken wie er selbst und mit deren Stimmen er seinen eigenen Gedanken Ausdruck und Form verleihen konnte:
"Everything in our lives is political", sagt die in Hiroshima geborene "Rico", eigentlich Asterico: "Let's just put that straight: Everything you do, everything you see, everything you live in is political." Und "Doing nothing is not defensible", stellt Tom Szirtes aus London in "Music for Interviews" mit ruhiger, aber auch besorgter Stimme fest "Now is the time that we have to do something", spricht Danny Howells, DJ aus London, über den elegischen Soundtrack "Amdu", "otherwise we have no chance." Auch die deutsche Umweltaktivistin Pippi sowie Daphne Fernberger, Tänzerin aus New York, und ihr Mann, der französische Musiker und Tänzer Ulysse verleihen mit ihren authentischen Statements der abstrakten Emotionalität der Musik eine tiefe Erdung.
Asterico, Tom, Danny, Pippi, Ulysses und Daphne repräsentieren wie die Musiker Vogt, Stelter und Kappenstein eine neue Art kreatives Weltbürgertum, das Lichtjahre vom materialistischen Hedonismus der 1980er und 1990er und beinahe ebensoweit von der ungezügelten Technikgläubigkeit entfernt ist, die seit den Nullerjahren des neuen Jahrtausends vor allem in den USA und Asien, aber auch in Europa die merkwürdigsten und zum Teil hoch gefährlichen Blüten treibt. Aber passt so viel politisch-philosophischer Gehalt, so viel engagierter Aktivismus kombiniert mit konzentriert-experimenteller Musikalität auf die doch recht überkommene Form eines Longplayers mit 15 bzw. 16 Titlen auf dem Vinyl ? Die kurze Antwort lautet: Ja.
Die lange Version: "Pianissimo" passt genau wegen seiner Vielstimmigkeit in diese von Pandemie und Naturkatastrophen und dem erschütterten Glauben an die Lösbarkeit aller Zivilisationsprobleme gezeichneten Zeit. "Vielstimmig" ist "Pianissimo" auch in dem Sinne, dass dieses schön gestaltete Gefäß die ganze Bandbreite vom dystopischen "Lamento" bis hin zu den hoffnungsvoll groovenden Tönen einer "Une Nuit Exceptionelle" zu fassen vermag, ohne zu zerbrechen. Es wäre zu simpel nach einer einzigen, verbindenden Message zu fragen, nur so viel sei vielleicht erlaubt: Es ist Fünf vor Zwölf, allerhöchste Zeit zum Aufstehen... und wenn du erstmal aufgestanden bist, um deine Stimme zu erheben, kannst du auch gleich ein bisschen dazu tanzen.
Genre: Electronic / Jazz / Ambient / Neo Classic
A - 33 rpm
01. Pianissimo (DEQ922100004) 01:50
02. Quintessence (DEQ922100005) 04:39
03. Music For Interviews (DEQ922100006) 04:49
04. Elegy (DEQ922100007) 04:28
B - 33 rpm
05. Shimmering Sea (DEQ922100008) 04:22
06. Cargo (DEQ922100009) 06:32
07. Amdu (DEQ922100010) 04:06
08. The Mind Traveller (DEQ922100011) 05:53
C - 33 rpm
09. Dystopia (DEQ922100012) 04:08
10. Afraid Of The Future (DEQ922100013) 03:15
11. Lament in D Minor (DEQ922100014) 05:25
12. Down To Earth (DEQ922100015) 05:29
D - 33 rpm
13. I Remember Being Loved (DEQ922100016) 03:58
14. Introduction (DEQ922100017) 01:17
15. Outro (DEQ922100018) 01:32
---Vinyl Bonus---
16. Une Nuit Exceptionnelle (DEQ922100019) 06:31
12" Excl
Configuration:12" Excl
Last in:01.07.2022
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Last in:01.07.2022
Configuration:12" Excl
Matthias Vogt - Mind Traveller (Losoul Remix)
Matthias Vogt - Shimmering Sea (Dj Jauche Rework)
May saw the release of Matthias Vogt's extraordinary new album: Pianissimo. A sound journey based on piano compositions, enriched with guitar sounds, drum and percussion parts, electronic influences and snippets of interviews with environmental activists.
Music that is very unique and cannot be directly assigned to any genre.
Two club mixes of Pianissimo tracks were created, which are now released on Flaneurecordings:
The Losoul mix of "The Mind Traveller" is a twisted dub that is cleverly teasing original elements again and again and finally boils up in a break. Peter Kremeier aka Losoul, producer legend from Frankfurt's Playhouse environment is himself a traveler in electronic music and takes us here on his very own internalized trip.
Flaneur boss DJ Jauche takes on "Shimmering Sea" and works close to the original, but refines the track masterfully for the deep dancefloors. A sound that works great for open airs as well as clubs. Very soulful, crisp and stylistically confident.
A1. Matthias Vogt - Mind Traveller (Losoul Remix)
B1. Matthias Vogt - Shimmerin Sea (Dj Jauche Rework)
Music that is very unique and cannot be directly assigned to any genre.
Two club mixes of Pianissimo tracks were created, which are now released on Flaneurecordings:
The Losoul mix of "The Mind Traveller" is a twisted dub that is cleverly teasing original elements again and again and finally boils up in a break. Peter Kremeier aka Losoul, producer legend from Frankfurt's Playhouse environment is himself a traveler in electronic music and takes us here on his very own internalized trip.
Flaneur boss DJ Jauche takes on "Shimmering Sea" and works close to the original, but refines the track masterfully for the deep dancefloors. A sound that works great for open airs as well as clubs. Very soulful, crisp and stylistically confident.
A1. Matthias Vogt - Mind Traveller (Losoul Remix)
B1. Matthias Vogt - Shimmerin Sea (Dj Jauche Rework)
12" Excl
in stock
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in stock
Last in:07.11.2019
Configuration:12" Excl
Matthias Vogt - Matthias Vogt - Imaginary Friend
Matthias Vogt - Matthias Vogt - Imaginary Friend (Carl Finlow Remix)
Matthias Vogt - Matthias Vogt - Crevasse
Special remarks: Ltd. Edition of 200.
Genre: Electro, Techno
Tracklist 12":
A1 PLTR016 Matthias Vogt - Imaginary Friend 04:54
A2 PLTR016 Matthias Vogt - Imaginary Friend (Carl Finlow Remix) 07:31
B PLTR016 Matthias Vogt - Crevasse 07:09
Short Info:
Matthias Vogt is back on Polytone with two strong original tracks, plus legendary producer Carl Finlow is adding his remix magic. The title track "Imaginary Friend" is an ode to Electro, with a hint of Pop and both: taking us back to the sound of the 80s, yet still sounding fresh and crisp. Carl Finlow's transforming Imaginary Friend into a sci-fi-something - it's out of this world. The B-Side is all about "Crevasse", a timeless beauty - we are in love with this Matthias Vogt trademark sound.
Genre: Electro, Techno
Tracklist 12":
A1 PLTR016 Matthias Vogt - Imaginary Friend 04:54
A2 PLTR016 Matthias Vogt - Imaginary Friend (Carl Finlow Remix) 07:31
B PLTR016 Matthias Vogt - Crevasse 07:09
Short Info:
Matthias Vogt is back on Polytone with two strong original tracks, plus legendary producer Carl Finlow is adding his remix magic. The title track "Imaginary Friend" is an ode to Electro, with a hint of Pop and both: taking us back to the sound of the 80s, yet still sounding fresh and crisp. Carl Finlow's transforming Imaginary Friend into a sci-fi-something - it's out of this world. The B-Side is all about "Crevasse", a timeless beauty - we are in love with this Matthias Vogt trademark sound.
12" Excl
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Last in:20.06.2014
Configuration:12" Excl
UPC: 827170558366Release:14.07./ Digital 4.08.2014
Tracklist 12": A Maintain 7:39 min B1 Maintain (Bleak Scene Rework) 6:44 min B2 Maintain (Vince Watson Remix) 6:19 min
This is Matthias Vogt's third installment on Polytone Recordings!
With "Maintain" he proves distinct feeling for musicality once more: As Vogt is an accomplished Jazz pianist, he is able to move easily between uplifting drive and harmonic substructures.The flip side deals with the welcoming of two illustrious remix artists to Polytone's roster: Bleak and Vince Watson.
Bleak is renowned for having his musical output released on labels like Delsin and Deeply Rooted House. On remix duties Bleak drops hell of a Detroit vehicle. Based on significant drum grooves his remix will ultimately shake the dancefloor to its foundations.
Vince Watson's discography goes back to the mid-nineties and we vainly tried to keep track of his enormous musical output. Maintaining the spirit and the vibe of Vogt's original tune Vince Watson takes the original track and turns it into a string and pad driven sonic exploration perfectly fitting for Polytone's eclectic approach.
Tracklist 12": A Maintain 7:39 min B1 Maintain (Bleak Scene Rework) 6:44 min B2 Maintain (Vince Watson Remix) 6:19 min
This is Matthias Vogt's third installment on Polytone Recordings!
With "Maintain" he proves distinct feeling for musicality once more: As Vogt is an accomplished Jazz pianist, he is able to move easily between uplifting drive and harmonic substructures.The flip side deals with the welcoming of two illustrious remix artists to Polytone's roster: Bleak and Vince Watson.
Bleak is renowned for having his musical output released on labels like Delsin and Deeply Rooted House. On remix duties Bleak drops hell of a Detroit vehicle. Based on significant drum grooves his remix will ultimately shake the dancefloor to its foundations.
Vince Watson's discography goes back to the mid-nineties and we vainly tried to keep track of his enormous musical output. Maintaining the spirit and the vibe of Vogt's original tune Vince Watson takes the original track and turns it into a string and pad driven sonic exploration perfectly fitting for Polytone's eclectic approach.
Configuration:10" Excl
Last in:27.10.2014
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Configuration:12" Excl
Last in:27.10.2014
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Last in:27.10.2014
Configuration:12" Excl
Matthias Vogt, - Copying The Future
Matthias Vogt, - Stillach
The musical heavyweight Matthias Vogt is back on Polytone. "Copying the future" has the potential to be a classic. A track with character and a high recognition value: hypnotic rave stabs and uplifting chords combined with a driving groove will send shivers down each true music lovers spine. "Copying the future" is delivering deja vu´s without copying the past - a great track with a past and a future, deeply rooted in the here and now. "Stillach" claps its way into every listeners ear. The B side of the EP named after a mountain stream in the Allgäu is calm and also powerful with a slow, minimal and very tight groove. Vogt is going deeper!
12" Excl
Configuration:12" Excl
Last in:26.04.2010
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Last in:26.04.2010
Configuration:12" Excl
Matthias Vogt, - Together As One
Matthias Vogt, - Together As One
supported by: Nick Curly, Anja
Schneider, Samuel L Session, Steve
Bug, Will Saul, Milton Jackson ,..
After releases from Drei Farben House and Paulo Olarte,
Polytone is joined by Matthias Vogt. Being a member of
Motorcitysoul (together with Frankfurt's House legend CRock),
Matthias Vogt has been teaching lessons in
deepness for years now. In his solo works Vogt's profound
education as a Jazz musician is just as present. Thus,
"Together As One" is carried by wonderfully deep chords,
which are accentuated by a contrapuntal bassline. A
classic male vocal highlights the soulfulness even more
and turns this track into a marvellous Deephouse affair. More
Schneider, Samuel L Session, Steve
Bug, Will Saul, Milton Jackson ,..
After releases from Drei Farben House and Paulo Olarte,
Polytone is joined by Matthias Vogt. Being a member of
Motorcitysoul (together with Frankfurt's House legend CRock),
Matthias Vogt has been teaching lessons in
deepness for years now. In his solo works Vogt's profound
education as a Jazz musician is just as present. Thus,
"Together As One" is carried by wonderfully deep chords,
which are accentuated by a contrapuntal bassline. A
classic male vocal highlights the soulfulness even more
and turns this track into a marvellous Deephouse affair. More
More records from anjunadeep
Last in:23.02.2016
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Last in:23.02.2016
Joe Cowie aka Kahwe has cut his teeth in the clubs of North England, warming up for the likes of Levon Vincent, Ben Klock, Leon Vynehall and Prosumer at his Selective Hearing residency. Meanwhile, his first two EPs on Anjunadeep have been acclaimed by Resident Advisor and supported by Laurent Garnier, Larry Heard and Mr. G. His growing reputation as a DJ has also taken him to Ibiza where he played the notorious Space Terrace, and with his eclectic new ‘San Salvadore EP’ set for release this November on Anjunadeep, he further establishes himself as one of the UK’s brightest talents. Title track ‘San Salvadore’ is a laid-back dancefloor roller, full of glistening melodies and intricate synths. ‘Prophets’ sees Joe indulge his nostalgic side, with bright melodies bubbling above a warm groove and throwback vocal in this slice of classic deep house. Rounding of the EP is ‘Patterns’, a surefire party-starter built around a killer bass groove. A serious dancefloor weapon in the right hands.
Last in:25.11.2015
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Last in:25.11.2015
cubicolor - Down The Wall
cubicolor - Clime
cubicolor - Cage Of Love
cubicolor - Musicians
Having established themselves as one of Anjunadeep’s leading acts over the past 12 months with three stunning EPs and notorious bootlegs of Depeche Mode and Radiohead, Cubicolor return with their boldest and most diverse release to date with the ‘Down The Wall EP’. The four track EP has won early DJ support from tastemakers like Lee Burridge and Patrice Baumel, who join a list of supporters that includes Pete Tong and Danny Tengalia. Title track ‘Down The Wall’ sets the tone with a warm stuttering bassline rolling beneath subtle melodies and a heady chugging groove. Eerie stabs ebb and flow whilst the surging bass groove bends from subtle spaciousness into towards an effervescent crescendo. ‘Clime’ continues the trippy vibes with barely-there percussion and a stunning melodic riff that soars alongside soulful vocal hums. ‘Cage Of Love’ fuses another pulsating groove with distorted bleeps and bags of atmosphere, whilst ‘Musicians’ takes us down the rabbit hole with driving analogue percussion, spectral melodies and a memorable sample – “what you’re listening to, are musicians forming psychedelic music under the influence of mind altering chemicals”.
Last in:18.05.2016
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Last in:18.05.2016
clarian - A1 Kill For Love
clarian - B1 Lucid Dreamers
clarian - B2 I Was Born In Outer Space
Canadian producer Clarian delivers three melodic house numbers on his new ‘Kill For Love EP’ on Anjunadeep, supported by Sasha, Guy Gerber, Axel Boman and Lee Burridge. Previously one half of Footprintz, Clarian has released on on Visionquest, Turbo, Life and Death and Culprit as a solo artist, not to mention his acclaimed collaborations with Guy Gerber and Seth Troxler. When not A&Ring Troxler’s Soft Touch imprint, a discography he’s inaugurated with this ‘If There Light At The End’ release, Clarian is a prominent figure in Berlin’s nightlife scene when he’s not trotting the globe between Paris, Dubai, Montreal, New York and London. First up ‘Kill For Love’ kicks off the package with tantalising keys and mournful vocals, wrapped around a surging acid bassline. ‘Lucid Dreamers’ employs yet more acid licks and ebbing chords, whilst a spoken word sample floats softly above elegant rising melodies. ‘I Was Born In Outer Space’ concludes the EP with a trippy journey through otherworldly pads, undulating bassline and as a heady vox sings blissfully throughout
Last in:13.10.2015
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Last in:13.10.2015
cubicolor - Magnum
cubicolor - Moments
cubicolor - All Zero
Amsterdam based Cubicolor have established themselves as one of house music’s most exciting new names, with early singles “Next Planet” and “Got This Feeling” picking up support from the underground all the way up to BBC Radio 1’s Pete Tong. Their first release of 2015, the “Magnum EP” sees them develop their warm, indie-leaning melodic sound with three beautiful cuts first heard in their recent Anjunadeep Edition mix. Title track “Magnum” is a luscious rolling juggernaut, driven by head-in-the-clouds melodies and anthemic, glowing chords. “Moments” shows off Cubicolor’s moodier side, weaving eerie melodies around a techy groove. Huge bass notes combine with snare drum blasts before an epic heads-down, hands-up breakdown paves the way for dancefloor euphoria. Slow-burning third track “All Zero” drops the tempo, as chugging percussion, arpeggiated keys and distorted vocal samples combine in ethereal fashion. Beautiful haunting strings add an elegiac touch as Cubicolor close the latest addition to their already impressive catalogue.