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Label:no 19
Last in:22.10.2012
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Last in:22.10.2012
Label:no 19
The ever-excellent No.19 Music team up with the enigmatic and highly talented Ali Love for a new single featuring production and remix duties from Brigante. Ali Love whose work with the likes of Hot Natured and Crosstown Rebels has created such a stir. Love has been a key player in electronic music for some time now, working alongside acid house legend Eon in the band Ignition before signing to Columbia as a solo artist and hooking up with London's Back Yard. This latest single sees Ali teams up with producer Brigante to deliver two superb new cuts, Brigante also offering up his own remix on the second track. The record opens with 'Playa', a deep and hypnotic, bass driven affair that fuses percussive elements and understated melodies to create the base for Ali Love's distinctively ethereal and soulful vocals, quality stuff from beginning to end. The A side is complemented by the superb 'Brigante's Jungle' a warm and haunting slice of underground house music that once again showcases Ali's vocals, as his incantations about the Jungle sit against staccato vocal effects and old school Chicago inspired stabs. Exclusively available on the vinyl release we have Seb Brigante's remix of 'Brigante's Jungle' that sees the record taken into deep and twisted territory with the vocal heavily effected and the drums brought to the fore, a perfect version to close this stunning single. With each new signing, No19 Music seem to further open up the label's direction whilst maintaining the highest levels of quality and with this single from Ali Love they have done it again, enjoy!