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Label:Passat Continu
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Last in:01.02.2023
Label:Passat Continu
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Javier Segura - Pasaje Hindú
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Javier Segura - El Silencio
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Javier Segura - Jardín Marroquí
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Javier Segura - El Aborigen Parte I
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Javier Segura - La Máquina
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Javier Segura - La Advertencia
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Javier Segura - Extraños en la Sabana
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Javier Segura - Lamento Bereber
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Javier Segura - Melodía en Re
For a good number of Spanish musicians, attracting attention from somewhere outside of Madrid
was a mission impossible for several decades. While the Movida Madrileña, commonly referred to
as the “Madrid scene” in English, stirred things up and made front page news on the basis of new
wave music, musicians that were on the fringe or directly beyond it had few platforms from which
to be heard.
Although Javier Segura has been recording music in his studio almost continuously since the 70's,
his relevance and recognition as a musician has been limited to underground music circles. The fact
that he worked outside of the country's spotlight of power kept his name relatively unknown for
years, something which even the arrival of the internet could not illuminate. Only the appreciation
of a few collectors and disc jockeys kept the light on.
Passat Continu delivers here the first ever compilation by the spanish musician Javier Segura (born
1955), who worked as an isolated cell from his home studio in San Cristóbal de La Laguna, in the
Canary Islands. Working for decades from the underground, Segura build up some brilliant ideas
producing dozens of richly textured songs, stretching borders on ambient, experimental rock,
dreamy folk or concrete music. Using guitars, rhythm boxes, trumpets synths or simply pedals,
Segura managed his own career and produced while published a handful of albums by himself: El
ser y el tiempo (1976), No mires atrás (1983), Nostalgia de lo humano (1986), Lamento bereber
(1989), El ángel caído vol I, la lluvia azul (2004), Levántate (2005) and El orden y el caos (2006).
He also teamed up with Juan Belda on only impro project Arte Moderno (1981-1982), using the
Roland TR-808 rhythm box as a main actor for the first time in the post-Franco’s Spain era.
'El sol desde oriente' uses three of that songs and add six more previously unreleased productions
from 1980 to 1990, probably his most active period of time. Available on vinyl and digital through
Bandcamp. Digital version includes two extra tracks. Vinyl comes with insert with unseen photos
and liner notes by Javier Segura and Passat Continu’s curator David G. Balasch.
All music written by Javier Segura except Jardín marroquí, written by Javier Segura and Juan Belda
under the name of Arte Moderno.
A1 Javier Segura– Pasaje Hindú
A2 Javier Segura– El Silencio
A3 Arte Moderno– Jardín Marroquí
A4 Javier Segura– El Aborigen Parte I
A5 Javier Segura– La Máquina
B1 Javier Segura– La Advertencia
B2 Javier Segura– Extraños en la Sabana
B3 Javier Segura– Lamento Bereber
B4 Javier Segura– Melodía en Re
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
was a mission impossible for several decades. While the Movida Madrileña, commonly referred to
as the “Madrid scene” in English, stirred things up and made front page news on the basis of new
wave music, musicians that were on the fringe or directly beyond it had few platforms from which
to be heard.
Although Javier Segura has been recording music in his studio almost continuously since the 70's,
his relevance and recognition as a musician has been limited to underground music circles. The fact
that he worked outside of the country's spotlight of power kept his name relatively unknown for
years, something which even the arrival of the internet could not illuminate. Only the appreciation
of a few collectors and disc jockeys kept the light on.
Passat Continu delivers here the first ever compilation by the spanish musician Javier Segura (born
1955), who worked as an isolated cell from his home studio in San Cristóbal de La Laguna, in the
Canary Islands. Working for decades from the underground, Segura build up some brilliant ideas
producing dozens of richly textured songs, stretching borders on ambient, experimental rock,
dreamy folk or concrete music. Using guitars, rhythm boxes, trumpets synths or simply pedals,
Segura managed his own career and produced while published a handful of albums by himself: El
ser y el tiempo (1976), No mires atrás (1983), Nostalgia de lo humano (1986), Lamento bereber
(1989), El ángel caído vol I, la lluvia azul (2004), Levántate (2005) and El orden y el caos (2006).
He also teamed up with Juan Belda on only impro project Arte Moderno (1981-1982), using the
Roland TR-808 rhythm box as a main actor for the first time in the post-Franco’s Spain era.
'El sol desde oriente' uses three of that songs and add six more previously unreleased productions
from 1980 to 1990, probably his most active period of time. Available on vinyl and digital through
Bandcamp. Digital version includes two extra tracks. Vinyl comes with insert with unseen photos
and liner notes by Javier Segura and Passat Continu’s curator David G. Balasch.
All music written by Javier Segura except Jardín marroquí, written by Javier Segura and Juan Belda
under the name of Arte Moderno.
A1 Javier Segura– Pasaje Hindú
A2 Javier Segura– El Silencio
A3 Arte Moderno– Jardín Marroquí
A4 Javier Segura– El Aborigen Parte I
A5 Javier Segura– La Máquina
B1 Javier Segura– La Advertencia
B2 Javier Segura– Extraños en la Sabana
B3 Javier Segura– Lamento Bereber
B4 Javier Segura– Melodía en Re
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
More records from Javier Segura
LP Excl
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Label:Passat Continu
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Last in:16.11.2022
Label:Passat Continu
Configuration:LP Excl
Edition of 250 UNITS
English short Version
Almost five years after the inaugural compilation "El sol desde oriente", Passat Continu releases "El ser
y el tiempo", the first solo recordings of the Tenerife musician Javier Segura, a set of seven
compositions that make up a true exceptionality in the panorama of Spanish experimental music and that
have never before been uncovered for listening. This sound document recorded between 1976 and 1978
is presented remastered from its original tapes and with a bonus track, with the invaluable collaboration
of Juan Belda.
Genre: Early electronics / Experimental / Concrete musique
Spanish Version
Casi cinco años después del recopilatorio inaugural “El sol desde oriente”, Passat Continu lanza “El
ser y el tiempo”, las primeras grabaciones en solitario del músico tinerfeño Javier Segura, un conjunto
de siete composiciones que conforman una auténtica excepcionalidad en el panorama de la música
experimental española y que nunca antes han sido destapadas para su escucha. Este documento sonoro
registrado entre 1976 y 1978 se presenta remasterizado de sus cintas originales y con una canción
extra, con la inestimable colaboración de Juan Belda.
Existe cierto consenso en llamar transición española al período que va del fallecimiento de Francisco
Franco, el 20 de noviembre de 1975, a la ratificación mediante referéndum de la Constitución, el 6 de
diciembre de 1978. Años de agitación y anhelo democrático que la población vive con gran
intensidad. Aquejada por una larga enfermedad, la madre de Javier Segura fallece en 1976. El
tinerfeño tiene entonces 21 años y acaba de salir de su primera experiencia discográfica como
compositor en el cuarteto Huellas. Como todo el mundo entonces, Segura se ha educado en un colegio
religioso. Es allí donde empieza a cultivar interés en la música, el cine y la filosofía “dentro de mí
existía, y aún persiste, la idea de que somos un espejo donde algo o alguien se mira para
reconocerse. Es una idea que surge de la lectura de “El ser y el tiempo” de Martin Heidegger.”
Con el objetivo de seguir dando forma a las ideas, Segura destina la totalidad de sus ingresos a la
compra de equipamiento, experimentando en el desván de casa en los ratos libres. Se adentra en
sesiones extenuantes utilizando la metodología de las músicas de corte concreto, grabando encima de
un casete Sony, reproduciendo encima de otro al tiempo que mete más instrumentación por la entrada
del micrófono. Así varias veces hasta sobreponer tres, cuatro y hasta cinco capas. En 1977 se hace con
dos Tascam de carrete abierto de cuatro pistas. Las cintas grabadas en los casetes Sony se pasan al
magnetofón para luego volver a encima del mismo, y así una y otra vez. En sus más de 40 minutos de
duración, en “El ser y el tiempo” suenan flautas, saxos, un vibráfono, un piano, un violín, un arpa, un
salterio turco, un Crumar DS-2, sintetizador monofónico de dos osciladores y de más de 50 kilos de
peso popularizado por Sun Ra en los años 70 e incluso unas placas de metal.
A1 – 1, 2, 3 secuencias (5'31”)
A2 – Andrea Ex 1
A3 – Andrea Ex 2
A4 – Andrea Ex 3
B1 – El Mencey loco
B2 – El ser y el tiempo
B3 – Medication. El sueño ante el espejo
B4 – Para piano
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
English short Version
Almost five years after the inaugural compilation "El sol desde oriente", Passat Continu releases "El ser
y el tiempo", the first solo recordings of the Tenerife musician Javier Segura, a set of seven
compositions that make up a true exceptionality in the panorama of Spanish experimental music and that
have never before been uncovered for listening. This sound document recorded between 1976 and 1978
is presented remastered from its original tapes and with a bonus track, with the invaluable collaboration
of Juan Belda.
Genre: Early electronics / Experimental / Concrete musique
Spanish Version
Casi cinco años después del recopilatorio inaugural “El sol desde oriente”, Passat Continu lanza “El
ser y el tiempo”, las primeras grabaciones en solitario del músico tinerfeño Javier Segura, un conjunto
de siete composiciones que conforman una auténtica excepcionalidad en el panorama de la música
experimental española y que nunca antes han sido destapadas para su escucha. Este documento sonoro
registrado entre 1976 y 1978 se presenta remasterizado de sus cintas originales y con una canción
extra, con la inestimable colaboración de Juan Belda.
Existe cierto consenso en llamar transición española al período que va del fallecimiento de Francisco
Franco, el 20 de noviembre de 1975, a la ratificación mediante referéndum de la Constitución, el 6 de
diciembre de 1978. Años de agitación y anhelo democrático que la población vive con gran
intensidad. Aquejada por una larga enfermedad, la madre de Javier Segura fallece en 1976. El
tinerfeño tiene entonces 21 años y acaba de salir de su primera experiencia discográfica como
compositor en el cuarteto Huellas. Como todo el mundo entonces, Segura se ha educado en un colegio
religioso. Es allí donde empieza a cultivar interés en la música, el cine y la filosofía “dentro de mí
existía, y aún persiste, la idea de que somos un espejo donde algo o alguien se mira para
reconocerse. Es una idea que surge de la lectura de “El ser y el tiempo” de Martin Heidegger.”
Con el objetivo de seguir dando forma a las ideas, Segura destina la totalidad de sus ingresos a la
compra de equipamiento, experimentando en el desván de casa en los ratos libres. Se adentra en
sesiones extenuantes utilizando la metodología de las músicas de corte concreto, grabando encima de
un casete Sony, reproduciendo encima de otro al tiempo que mete más instrumentación por la entrada
del micrófono. Así varias veces hasta sobreponer tres, cuatro y hasta cinco capas. En 1977 se hace con
dos Tascam de carrete abierto de cuatro pistas. Las cintas grabadas en los casetes Sony se pasan al
magnetofón para luego volver a encima del mismo, y así una y otra vez. En sus más de 40 minutos de
duración, en “El ser y el tiempo” suenan flautas, saxos, un vibráfono, un piano, un violín, un arpa, un
salterio turco, un Crumar DS-2, sintetizador monofónico de dos osciladores y de más de 50 kilos de
peso popularizado por Sun Ra en los años 70 e incluso unas placas de metal.
A1 – 1, 2, 3 secuencias (5'31”)
A2 – Andrea Ex 1
A3 – Andrea Ex 2
A4 – Andrea Ex 3
B1 – El Mencey loco
B2 – El ser y el tiempo
B3 – Medication. El sueño ante el espejo
B4 – Para piano
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
Last in:07.03.2023
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Javier Segura - El Hombre Moderno
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Javier Segura - Agonía De Un Guerrero
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Javier Segura - Hombre Bigotudo Esperando
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Javier Segura - I. El Sueño Perdido
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Javier Segura - II. Desolación
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Javier Segura - No Title
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Javier Segura - IV. La Máquina
Originally released in 1986, 'Nostalgia De Lo Humano' is almost unclassifiable. For Segura, styles are another form of repression, something that serves to label and keep track of those who sees, listens, buys or plays, and especially who sells. Despite the fact that Segura has been producing music continuously since the 1970s, his recognition as a musician was for a long time limited to experimental music circles. He had always controlled his career on his own, on the fringes of the industry. As Javier Segura himself says, his head is full of textures, rhythms and melodies. Through his textured productions, Segura opened up new dimensions to experimental music, using guitars, drum machines, trumpets, synths, or pedals.
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
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Label:Passat Continu
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Jessica Boston & Desert - The Beginning
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Jessica Boston & Desert - To The Magic Garden
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Jessica Boston & Desert - In the Magic Garden
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Jessica Boston & Desert - Negative - Minus - Less
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Jessica Boston & Desert - Positive + Plus + More
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Jessica Boston & Desert - The Knowing
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Jessica Boston & Desert - The Awakening
An immersive experience, part music, part hypnosis and meditation.
'This Feeling is You' draws on a range of influences; from the history of ambient music to research-based neuroscience to magical thinking. The album consists of seven interlinked tracks, each around eleven minutes long. One by one, they guide the listener on a metaphorical path through different states of thought and meditation.
It took one year to write the seven scripts and as part of her research, Boston sought inspiration from a huge number of sources. Whilst her work as a hypnotherapist provided a considerable insight, Boston also further studied a number of different practices such as: metaphor, ancient wisdom, religious ideologies, spiritual teachings, hallucinogenic medicine, principles of shamanism, mentalism, The Kybalion (1908), magic and spells, duality, numerology, rituals, poems, social media and even the basics of hip hop and rap.
These ideas were then aurally interpreted into a meditative ambient suite by Desert. Built on spoken word, controlled tone, rhythmic oscillation and sung vocals, it weaves in phrases of both direct and indirect suggestion and wraps around the words in a way that is gently present.
1 The Beginning
2 To The Magic Garden
3 In the Magic Garden
4 Negative - Minus - Less
5 Positive + Plus + More
6 The Knowing
7 The Awakening
Music by Desert - Cristina Checa & Eloi Caballé
Voice and words by Jessica Boston
Mixed by Inspirar Musica - Andre "Dretheghost" Risden
Mastered by Raising Level Mastering - Geoffrey Matthew, London 2019
Egg picture by Crista Leonard
Design by Studio Retief
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
'This Feeling is You' draws on a range of influences; from the history of ambient music to research-based neuroscience to magical thinking. The album consists of seven interlinked tracks, each around eleven minutes long. One by one, they guide the listener on a metaphorical path through different states of thought and meditation.
It took one year to write the seven scripts and as part of her research, Boston sought inspiration from a huge number of sources. Whilst her work as a hypnotherapist provided a considerable insight, Boston also further studied a number of different practices such as: metaphor, ancient wisdom, religious ideologies, spiritual teachings, hallucinogenic medicine, principles of shamanism, mentalism, The Kybalion (1908), magic and spells, duality, numerology, rituals, poems, social media and even the basics of hip hop and rap.
These ideas were then aurally interpreted into a meditative ambient suite by Desert. Built on spoken word, controlled tone, rhythmic oscillation and sung vocals, it weaves in phrases of both direct and indirect suggestion and wraps around the words in a way that is gently present.
1 The Beginning
2 To The Magic Garden
3 In the Magic Garden
4 Negative - Minus - Less
5 Positive + Plus + More
6 The Knowing
7 The Awakening
Music by Desert - Cristina Checa & Eloi Caballé
Voice and words by Jessica Boston
Mixed by Inspirar Musica - Andre "Dretheghost" Risden
Mastered by Raising Level Mastering - Geoffrey Matthew, London 2019
Egg picture by Crista Leonard
Design by Studio Retief
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
LP Excl
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Label:Passat Continu
Configuration:LP Excl
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Last in:16.11.2022
Label:Passat Continu
Configuration:LP Excl
Edition of 250 UNITS
English short Version
Almost five years after the inaugural compilation "El sol desde oriente", Passat Continu releases "El ser
y el tiempo", the first solo recordings of the Tenerife musician Javier Segura, a set of seven
compositions that make up a true exceptionality in the panorama of Spanish experimental music and that
have never before been uncovered for listening. This sound document recorded between 1976 and 1978
is presented remastered from its original tapes and with a bonus track, with the invaluable collaboration
of Juan Belda.
Genre: Early electronics / Experimental / Concrete musique
Spanish Version
Casi cinco años después del recopilatorio inaugural “El sol desde oriente”, Passat Continu lanza “El
ser y el tiempo”, las primeras grabaciones en solitario del músico tinerfeño Javier Segura, un conjunto
de siete composiciones que conforman una auténtica excepcionalidad en el panorama de la música
experimental española y que nunca antes han sido destapadas para su escucha. Este documento sonoro
registrado entre 1976 y 1978 se presenta remasterizado de sus cintas originales y con una canción
extra, con la inestimable colaboración de Juan Belda.
Existe cierto consenso en llamar transición española al período que va del fallecimiento de Francisco
Franco, el 20 de noviembre de 1975, a la ratificación mediante referéndum de la Constitución, el 6 de
diciembre de 1978. Años de agitación y anhelo democrático que la población vive con gran
intensidad. Aquejada por una larga enfermedad, la madre de Javier Segura fallece en 1976. El
tinerfeño tiene entonces 21 años y acaba de salir de su primera experiencia discográfica como
compositor en el cuarteto Huellas. Como todo el mundo entonces, Segura se ha educado en un colegio
religioso. Es allí donde empieza a cultivar interés en la música, el cine y la filosofía “dentro de mí
existía, y aún persiste, la idea de que somos un espejo donde algo o alguien se mira para
reconocerse. Es una idea que surge de la lectura de “El ser y el tiempo” de Martin Heidegger.”
Con el objetivo de seguir dando forma a las ideas, Segura destina la totalidad de sus ingresos a la
compra de equipamiento, experimentando en el desván de casa en los ratos libres. Se adentra en
sesiones extenuantes utilizando la metodología de las músicas de corte concreto, grabando encima de
un casete Sony, reproduciendo encima de otro al tiempo que mete más instrumentación por la entrada
del micrófono. Así varias veces hasta sobreponer tres, cuatro y hasta cinco capas. En 1977 se hace con
dos Tascam de carrete abierto de cuatro pistas. Las cintas grabadas en los casetes Sony se pasan al
magnetofón para luego volver a encima del mismo, y así una y otra vez. En sus más de 40 minutos de
duración, en “El ser y el tiempo” suenan flautas, saxos, un vibráfono, un piano, un violín, un arpa, un
salterio turco, un Crumar DS-2, sintetizador monofónico de dos osciladores y de más de 50 kilos de
peso popularizado por Sun Ra en los años 70 e incluso unas placas de metal.
A1 – 1, 2, 3 secuencias (5'31”)
A2 – Andrea Ex 1
A3 – Andrea Ex 2
A4 – Andrea Ex 3
B1 – El Mencey loco
B2 – El ser y el tiempo
B3 – Medication. El sueño ante el espejo
B4 – Para piano
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
English short Version
Almost five years after the inaugural compilation "El sol desde oriente", Passat Continu releases "El ser
y el tiempo", the first solo recordings of the Tenerife musician Javier Segura, a set of seven
compositions that make up a true exceptionality in the panorama of Spanish experimental music and that
have never before been uncovered for listening. This sound document recorded between 1976 and 1978
is presented remastered from its original tapes and with a bonus track, with the invaluable collaboration
of Juan Belda.
Genre: Early electronics / Experimental / Concrete musique
Spanish Version
Casi cinco años después del recopilatorio inaugural “El sol desde oriente”, Passat Continu lanza “El
ser y el tiempo”, las primeras grabaciones en solitario del músico tinerfeño Javier Segura, un conjunto
de siete composiciones que conforman una auténtica excepcionalidad en el panorama de la música
experimental española y que nunca antes han sido destapadas para su escucha. Este documento sonoro
registrado entre 1976 y 1978 se presenta remasterizado de sus cintas originales y con una canción
extra, con la inestimable colaboración de Juan Belda.
Existe cierto consenso en llamar transición española al período que va del fallecimiento de Francisco
Franco, el 20 de noviembre de 1975, a la ratificación mediante referéndum de la Constitución, el 6 de
diciembre de 1978. Años de agitación y anhelo democrático que la población vive con gran
intensidad. Aquejada por una larga enfermedad, la madre de Javier Segura fallece en 1976. El
tinerfeño tiene entonces 21 años y acaba de salir de su primera experiencia discográfica como
compositor en el cuarteto Huellas. Como todo el mundo entonces, Segura se ha educado en un colegio
religioso. Es allí donde empieza a cultivar interés en la música, el cine y la filosofía “dentro de mí
existía, y aún persiste, la idea de que somos un espejo donde algo o alguien se mira para
reconocerse. Es una idea que surge de la lectura de “El ser y el tiempo” de Martin Heidegger.”
Con el objetivo de seguir dando forma a las ideas, Segura destina la totalidad de sus ingresos a la
compra de equipamiento, experimentando en el desván de casa en los ratos libres. Se adentra en
sesiones extenuantes utilizando la metodología de las músicas de corte concreto, grabando encima de
un casete Sony, reproduciendo encima de otro al tiempo que mete más instrumentación por la entrada
del micrófono. Así varias veces hasta sobreponer tres, cuatro y hasta cinco capas. En 1977 se hace con
dos Tascam de carrete abierto de cuatro pistas. Las cintas grabadas en los casetes Sony se pasan al
magnetofón para luego volver a encima del mismo, y así una y otra vez. En sus más de 40 minutos de
duración, en “El ser y el tiempo” suenan flautas, saxos, un vibráfono, un piano, un violín, un arpa, un
salterio turco, un Crumar DS-2, sintetizador monofónico de dos osciladores y de más de 50 kilos de
peso popularizado por Sun Ra en los años 70 e incluso unas placas de metal.
A1 – 1, 2, 3 secuencias (5'31”)
A2 – Andrea Ex 1
A3 – Andrea Ex 2
A4 – Andrea Ex 3
B1 – El Mencey loco
B2 – El ser y el tiempo
B3 – Medication. El sueño ante el espejo
B4 – Para piano
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
Label:Passat Continu
Configuration:LP Excl
Last in:13.06.2024
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Last in:13.06.2024
Label:Passat Continu
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Sheila Chandra - ABoneCroneDrone 1
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Sheila Chandra - ABoneCroneDrone 2
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Sheila Chandra - ABoneCroneDrone 3
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Sheila Chandra - ABoneCroneDrone 4
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Sheila Chandra - ABoneCroneDrone 5
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Sheila Chandra - ABoneCroneDrone 6
Few albums have treated human voice and drone as a whole entity like ABoneCroneDrone, the third in a trilogy for Real World Records that this record closed back in 1996. In Sheila Chandra's own words "it was about the gateways between vocal techniques from different cultures and how it was possible to cross between them within a single word or phrase."?
Indipop Recordings founder Steve Coe, probably best known for helping to popularise the term World Music in the early eighties, produced and worked with extreme accuracy along with Chandra on all drones and set a new industry standard of what was possible in the treatment of voice. With the help of bagpipes, didgeridoos and guitars, ABoneCroneDrone puts drones under the microscope and encourages listeners to retrain their ears to hear the nuances that musicians have always heard in them. Emitting low, chantlike waves, Chandra sings deep spaced atonal words while haunting chord sounds flow and drones slowly interact with listener.
This is the first vinyl pressing. It includes a fold-out insert with a new Sheila Chandra interview, original sleeve notes edited by Chandra herself and unseen pictures taken from the 1996 sessions. Limited to 500 copies, no digital release this time.
"The artistry of ABoneCroneDrone is in the attention to detail. The album is beautifully performed, mixed and compiled with intelligence and strong sense of structure. It makes good use of a listener's valuable time while issuing a challenge to hear in a fresh way." John L. Walters, The Wire issue 150.
A1 ABoneCroneDrone 1 7:26
A2 ABoneCroneDrone 2 8:04
A3 ABoneCroneDrone 3 7:30
B1 ABoneCroneDrone 4 7:06
B2 ABoneCroneDrone 5 7:18
B3 ABoneCroneDrone 6 7:18
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
Indipop Recordings founder Steve Coe, probably best known for helping to popularise the term World Music in the early eighties, produced and worked with extreme accuracy along with Chandra on all drones and set a new industry standard of what was possible in the treatment of voice. With the help of bagpipes, didgeridoos and guitars, ABoneCroneDrone puts drones under the microscope and encourages listeners to retrain their ears to hear the nuances that musicians have always heard in them. Emitting low, chantlike waves, Chandra sings deep spaced atonal words while haunting chord sounds flow and drones slowly interact with listener.
This is the first vinyl pressing. It includes a fold-out insert with a new Sheila Chandra interview, original sleeve notes edited by Chandra herself and unseen pictures taken from the 1996 sessions. Limited to 500 copies, no digital release this time.
"The artistry of ABoneCroneDrone is in the attention to detail. The album is beautifully performed, mixed and compiled with intelligence and strong sense of structure. It makes good use of a listener's valuable time while issuing a challenge to hear in a fresh way." John L. Walters, The Wire issue 150.
A1 ABoneCroneDrone 1 7:26
A2 ABoneCroneDrone 2 8:04
A3 ABoneCroneDrone 3 7:30
B1 ABoneCroneDrone 4 7:06
B2 ABoneCroneDrone 5 7:18
B3 ABoneCroneDrone 6 7:18
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
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12" Excl
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Label:Watergate Records
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ruede hagelstein - soul dynamic, fur coat rmx
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ruede hagelstein - soul dynamic
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ruede hagelstein - soul dynamic, kenny larkin rmx
A1) Soul Dynamic (Fur Coat Remix) A2) Soul Dynamic (Original) B) Soul Dynamic (Kenny Larkin Moogerfooger Mix)
With the build up to the highly anticipated debut album for both Ruede Hagelstein and Watergate Records nearing it's release date, we have put together an advanced release of the original Ruede track 'Soul Dynamic' including some stunning remixes to get you ready. With the original, Ruede does what he does best and administers a big melodic club hit ripe with canorous shimmers and a warm rolling sub bass bolstered by crisp percussion grooves and a vocal persistently muttering 'Soul Dynamic'. This alone should be enough, but we didn't stop there. Up first on remix duties, and without any introduction is the legendary Kenny Larkin. Coming off his massive remix of La Fleur on Watergate last year, he takes the same approach and lays out a long,
tracky version of the original, building tension over the twelve minutes with ghostly rhodes riffs and eerie strings. Possibly the heaviest of the all the remixes is from Fur Coat as they provide us with a dark, strobe light infused adaptation packed with huge bass stabs and spectral tones. Finally, we have another whose name needs no introduction, Douglas Greed. With his version of 'Soul Dynamic' he takes the most playful approach of the three remixes by creating a hypnotic, looping lead laid over earthy percussive lines and a sweltering wash of keys. No matter what you're looking for, one of these will do the trick. It's not so much which one to play, but which one to play first.
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WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
A1) Soul Dynamic (Fur Coat Remix) A2) Soul Dynamic (Original) B) Soul Dynamic (Kenny Larkin Moogerfooger Mix)
With the build up to the highly anticipated debut album for both Ruede Hagelstein and Watergate Records nearing it's release date, we have put together an advanced release of the original Ruede track 'Soul Dynamic' including some stunning remixes to get you ready. With the original, Ruede does what he does best and administers a big melodic club hit ripe with canorous shimmers and a warm rolling sub bass bolstered by crisp percussion grooves and a vocal persistently muttering 'Soul Dynamic'. This alone should be enough, but we didn't stop there. Up first on remix duties, and without any introduction is the legendary Kenny Larkin. Coming off his massive remix of La Fleur on Watergate last year, he takes the same approach and lays out a long,
tracky version of the original, building tension over the twelve minutes with ghostly rhodes riffs and eerie strings. Possibly the heaviest of the all the remixes is from Fur Coat as they provide us with a dark, strobe light infused adaptation packed with huge bass stabs and spectral tones. Finally, we have another whose name needs no introduction, Douglas Greed. With his version of 'Soul Dynamic' he takes the most playful approach of the three remixes by creating a hypnotic, looping lead laid over earthy percussive lines and a sweltering wash of keys. No matter what you're looking for, one of these will do the trick. It's not so much which one to play, but which one to play first.
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
Label:Polycarp Records
Configuration:12" Excl
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Last in:05.03.2024
Label:Polycarp Records
Configuration:12" Excl
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Simon Ferdinand - 1. Broken
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Simon Ferdinand - 2. Six Months
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Simon Ferdinand - 3. In The Lab (feat. Basch)
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Simon Ferdinand - 4. The Beginning
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Simon Ferdinand - 5. Santa Marina
Polycarp boss Simon Ferdinand delivers the cinematic electronica ‘Six Months’ EP in
2024, recorded across this time period and influenced by travels to Sicily, Baltimore and
Track List:
1. Broken
2. Six Months
3. In The Lab (feat. Basch)
4. The Beginning
5. Santa Marina
Hamburg, Germany’s Polycarp is the brainchild of Simon Ferdinand and has been active
as a platform for the music of Simon under his own name, Basch and their music together
as Bonn, as well as further notable artists such as Tilman and Johannes Albert. Here,
Ferdinand returns to the imprint with another solo sonic adventure, traversing through a
range of emotions and influences with elements of glitch, ambient, electro, breaks, EBM
and more instilled within the project.
‘Broken’ leads the release and sets the tone through an amalgamation of hazy, glitched out
jazz loops obscured and processed throughout. Title-track ‘Six Months’ then shifts
towards a more ethereal deep house aesthetic with cossetting textures, stuttering synth
chords, elongated bass drones and jazzy organic drums. ‘In The Lab’ follows next and sees
Basch join forces with Simon to create a haunting slice of broken beat deepness fuelled by
murky low-end pulsations, saturated drums and gritty stab sequences.
First up on the flip-side is ‘The Beginning’, shifting gears towards classic electro tropes
with boomy 808’s, unfurling arpeggios and twitchy resonant synth bleeps before ‘Santa
Marina’ rounds out the release with a contemporary electronica feel, fusing fluttering
square wave bass lines, crisp amen breaks and intricately intertwined textural elements.
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
Polycarp boss Simon Ferdinand delivers the cinematic electronica ‘Six Months’ EP in
2024, recorded across this time period and influenced by travels to Sicily, Baltimore and
Track List:
1. Broken
2. Six Months
3. In The Lab (feat. Basch)
4. The Beginning
5. Santa Marina
Hamburg, Germany’s Polycarp is the brainchild of Simon Ferdinand and has been active
as a platform for the music of Simon under his own name, Basch and their music together
as Bonn, as well as further notable artists such as Tilman and Johannes Albert. Here,
Ferdinand returns to the imprint with another solo sonic adventure, traversing through a
range of emotions and influences with elements of glitch, ambient, electro, breaks, EBM
and more instilled within the project.
‘Broken’ leads the release and sets the tone through an amalgamation of hazy, glitched out
jazz loops obscured and processed throughout. Title-track ‘Six Months’ then shifts
towards a more ethereal deep house aesthetic with cossetting textures, stuttering synth
chords, elongated bass drones and jazzy organic drums. ‘In The Lab’ follows next and sees
Basch join forces with Simon to create a haunting slice of broken beat deepness fuelled by
murky low-end pulsations, saturated drums and gritty stab sequences.
First up on the flip-side is ‘The Beginning’, shifting gears towards classic electro tropes
with boomy 808’s, unfurling arpeggios and twitchy resonant synth bleeps before ‘Santa
Marina’ rounds out the release with a contemporary electronica feel, fusing fluttering
square wave bass lines, crisp amen breaks and intricately intertwined textural elements.
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
2LP Excl
Label:Pylon Records
Configuration:2LP Excl
Last in:21.06.2021
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Last in:21.06.2021
Label:Pylon Records
Configuration:2LP Excl
Color of the vinyl is RED and Green Translucent
Ebbhead Double Vinyl LP (2018 Remaster)
Side 1
1. Reasons
2. Lakeside Drive
3. I Give To You
4. Sugar Sweet
Side 2
1. Time
2. Ascend
3. Godhead
4. Trigger Happy
Side 3
1. Family Man (Jaz Coleman Mix) -Bonus
2. Come Alive (Alan Wilder Mix) - Bonus
3. Lovesick (Flood Mix) - Bonus
4. Higher (Barry Adamson Mix) - Bonus
Side 4
1. Ascend (Vince Clarke Anonymous Mix) - Bonus
2. I Give To You (Pestilence Mix) - Bonus
3. Godhead (Remix) - Bonus
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
Ebbhead Double Vinyl LP (2018 Remaster)
Side 1
1. Reasons
2. Lakeside Drive
3. I Give To You
4. Sugar Sweet
Side 2
1. Time
2. Ascend
3. Godhead
4. Trigger Happy
Side 3
1. Family Man (Jaz Coleman Mix) -Bonus
2. Come Alive (Alan Wilder Mix) - Bonus
3. Lovesick (Flood Mix) - Bonus
4. Higher (Barry Adamson Mix) - Bonus
Side 4
1. Ascend (Vince Clarke Anonymous Mix) - Bonus
2. I Give To You (Pestilence Mix) - Bonus
3. Godhead (Remix) - Bonus
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
12" Excl
Configuration:12" Excl
Last in:24.08.2021
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Last in:24.08.2021
Configuration:12" Excl
Rights : World excluding FR & UK
Format: Black Vinyl, 12’’, Black 300 Grs Sleeve with 2 central holes, CMYK Vinyl labels , marketing front sticker (round, diameter 60 mm)
French techno pioneer/DJ/Producer Laurent Garnier – friend of Ed Banger records - and Mad Rey, new signing of Ed Banger (also co-founder of D.K.O Records & Red Lebanese labels) did exclusive remixes of 2 MYD ‘s classic songs.
Family business and definitely a Club 12’’, offering both remixes & original versions.
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
Format: Black Vinyl, 12’’, Black 300 Grs Sleeve with 2 central holes, CMYK Vinyl labels , marketing front sticker (round, diameter 60 mm)
French techno pioneer/DJ/Producer Laurent Garnier – friend of Ed Banger records - and Mad Rey, new signing of Ed Banger (also co-founder of D.K.O Records & Red Lebanese labels) did exclusive remixes of 2 MYD ‘s classic songs.
Family business and definitely a Club 12’’, offering both remixes & original versions.
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
12" Excl
Configuration:12" Excl
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makybee diva, snad, l'amour fou, arnaldo - untitled
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makybee diva, snad, l'amour fou, arnaldo - excerptz
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makybee diva, snad, l'amour fou, arnaldo - monkey on my roof
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makybee diva, snad, l'amour fou, arnaldo - screaming with a blocked nose
A1 Makybee Diva – Untitled
A2 Snad – Excerptz
B1 LAmour Fou – Monkeys On My Roof
B2 Arnaldo - Screaming With A Blocked Nose
-Psychic Advisor- is a worldwide affair- mysterious Makybee Diva from Down Under,
Snad- hailing from Chicago, L'amour Fou on B1– the project of Move D and his friends
from Taipeh- Benoit and Marco- plus last but not least Arnaldo reppin' Berlin / UK /
Argentina, closing down the compilation on B2.
You might consider this record as a clubnight from start to finish- there is everything
from slow euphoria to crystaline deepness, from shake-everything-moments to different
states of a sweet dream - but it all fits as if it was bound together. Full Cover artwork as
always by Stefan Marx.
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
A1 Makybee Diva – Untitled
A2 Snad – Excerptz
B1 LAmour Fou – Monkeys On My Roof
B2 Arnaldo - Screaming With A Blocked Nose
-Psychic Advisor- is a worldwide affair- mysterious Makybee Diva from Down Under,
Snad- hailing from Chicago, L'amour Fou on B1– the project of Move D and his friends
from Taipeh- Benoit and Marco- plus last but not least Arnaldo reppin' Berlin / UK /
Argentina, closing down the compilation on B2.
You might consider this record as a clubnight from start to finish- there is everything
from slow euphoria to crystaline deepness, from shake-everything-moments to different
states of a sweet dream - but it all fits as if it was bound together. Full Cover artwork as
always by Stefan Marx.
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
Label:Pylon Records
Configuration:2LP Excl
Last in:23.03.2023
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Last in:23.03.2023
Label:Pylon Records
Configuration:2LP Excl
2 LP
Naïve Art is the debut album by San Diego (by way of Liverpool) synth-pop duo Red Flag, consisting of brothers Chris and Mark Reynolds. This is the 30th Anniversary reissue of the vinyl which has not been available since 1989. It contains all original versions from the initial release along with four additional bonus tracks. The original pressing was a single vinyl release with all the tracks severely edited down, so that it could fit on a single record. This has been remedied for this new re-release. And unlike the original '89 vinyl release, this deluxe reissue features a gatefold cover and printed lyrics.
Red Flag, like other late-'80s/early-'90s bands such as Camouflage and Cause & Effect, offer a similar mix of gloomy, synthesizer-driven dance-pop made popular by synth rock kings Depeche Mode. Derivative yet melodic, Naïve Art is a strong debut and has often been deemed the perfect synth-pop album. The combination of cold synth beats and the emotionless vocal approach (similar to Depeche's Martin Gore) makes perfect dance-floor fodder for the disaffected goth-pop club crowd. What makes Naïve Art such a great listen is Red Flag's obvious gift of songcraft. Both "If I Ever" and "Russian Radio" are comparable to some of Depeche's best work, while the tracks "If I Ever" and "Russian Radio" were very popular club tracks back in the day, with the latter also garnering strong play on MTV's 120 Minutes. "Broken Heart" was also regularly played on KROQ Radio in Los Angeles, and the San Diego Alternative radio station 91X, which is still going strong today, was a massive supporter of Red Flag during their original run.
Track Listing:
If I Ever
Pretty In Pity
Russian Radio
Give Me Your Hand
All Roads Lead To You
Count To Three
Save Me Tonight
Broken Heart
I Don't Know Why
Fur Michelle
Black Rose - Bonus Track
Russian Radio (Glasnost Club Mix)
If I Ever (Dance Mix)
Russian Radio (Tremont & Webster Mix)
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
Naïve Art is the debut album by San Diego (by way of Liverpool) synth-pop duo Red Flag, consisting of brothers Chris and Mark Reynolds. This is the 30th Anniversary reissue of the vinyl which has not been available since 1989. It contains all original versions from the initial release along with four additional bonus tracks. The original pressing was a single vinyl release with all the tracks severely edited down, so that it could fit on a single record. This has been remedied for this new re-release. And unlike the original '89 vinyl release, this deluxe reissue features a gatefold cover and printed lyrics.
Red Flag, like other late-'80s/early-'90s bands such as Camouflage and Cause & Effect, offer a similar mix of gloomy, synthesizer-driven dance-pop made popular by synth rock kings Depeche Mode. Derivative yet melodic, Naïve Art is a strong debut and has often been deemed the perfect synth-pop album. The combination of cold synth beats and the emotionless vocal approach (similar to Depeche's Martin Gore) makes perfect dance-floor fodder for the disaffected goth-pop club crowd. What makes Naïve Art such a great listen is Red Flag's obvious gift of songcraft. Both "If I Ever" and "Russian Radio" are comparable to some of Depeche's best work, while the tracks "If I Ever" and "Russian Radio" were very popular club tracks back in the day, with the latter also garnering strong play on MTV's 120 Minutes. "Broken Heart" was also regularly played on KROQ Radio in Los Angeles, and the San Diego Alternative radio station 91X, which is still going strong today, was a massive supporter of Red Flag during their original run.
Track Listing:
If I Ever
Pretty In Pity
Russian Radio
Give Me Your Hand
All Roads Lead To You
Count To Three
Save Me Tonight
Broken Heart
I Don't Know Why
Fur Michelle
Black Rose - Bonus Track
Russian Radio (Glasnost Club Mix)
If I Ever (Dance Mix)
Russian Radio (Tremont & Webster Mix)
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
Label:Blackground Records
Genre:Dope Beat/Hip Hop
Configuration:2LP Excl
Last in:27.05.2024
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Last in:27.05.2024
Label:Blackground Records
Genre:Dope Beat/Hip Hop
Configuration:2LP Excl
V.A. - No Title
Exit Wounds: The Album is the soundtrack to the Andrzej Bartkowiak 2001 film, Exit Wounds. Executive produced by Barry and Jomo Hankerson, the album features production from a variety of producers including Dame Grease, Irv Gotti, Bud'da, Eric Seats, DJ Paul, Juicy J, The Beat Bullies, & Timbaland. Appearances include Black Child, Drag-On, Ja Rule, Lady Luck, Mack 10, Memphis Bleek, Nas, Redman, Sheek Louch, Styles P, Three 6 Mafia, Trick Daddy, Trina & WC, as well as the film's star, DMX. The album peaked at number 8 on the Bullboard 200 and features the hit single, "No Sunshine."
Key Selling/Marketing:
Movie Merch Capsule planned
Outdoor screenings in OAK, LA, NY
BTS content release planned
College marketing campaign planned
Digital advertising planned
Digital marketing on TikTok, Triller
Fully produced visualizers for each song using album packaging planned
First time pressed on CD & Vinyl since 2001
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
Key Selling/Marketing:
Movie Merch Capsule planned
Outdoor screenings in OAK, LA, NY
BTS content release planned
College marketing campaign planned
Digital advertising planned
Digital marketing on TikTok, Triller
Fully produced visualizers for each song using album packaging planned
First time pressed on CD & Vinyl since 2001
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
Label:Hart & Tief
Configuration:2x12" Excl
Last in:30.06.2021
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Last in:30.06.2021
Label:Hart & Tief
Configuration:2x12" Excl
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Robag Wruhme - Eingang
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Robag Wruhme - Veddel Braav
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Robag Wruhme - Perluv
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Robag Wruhme - Wuzzelbud FF
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Robag Wruhme - Tisma
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Robag Wruhme - Provol Eto
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Robag Wruhme - Maiowu
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Robag Wruhme - Wabb Bodun
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Robag Wruhme - Ausgang
A1 Eingang
A2 Veddel Braav
A3 Perluv
B1 Wuzzelbud FF
B2 Tisma
C1 Provol Eto
C2 Maiowu
D1 Wabb Bodun
D2 Ausgang
External assessment vs. self-conception by Robag Wruhme: "People always think, I'm that serene and quiet guy, but actually I'm quite a noisemaker." Could be that the majority of the material he put out in recent years, most notably the "Thora Vukk" album, led to the overall apprehension of Robag being the virtuoso of everything subtle, enigmatic and tenderly melodic. Well, that's far from being a misconception, but still just one side of the coin. The other side is embossed with his most current productions, consolidated to a double EP, captioned with the enchanting name "Wuzzelbud FF".
Wait a second ... "Wuzzelbud"? Devoted fans will instantly prick up their ears. We've heard that before. Back in 2004 Robag Wruhme released his first longplayer named "Wuzzelbud 'KK'". As there's no such scenario Robag might be running out of stream-of-consciousness turned nonsense titles for his music, this must be a vocabulary intersection linking the early days of his career with its status quo. And it is. Wruhme presents "Wuzzelbud FF" as the stylistic follow-up to his debut album, showcasing a sound he commits has been neglected for too long. Wruhme cuts to the chase: "I wanted to put out some straightforward music for the dancefloor, something for the primetime. Well, for the primetime of my sets, at least."
And that agenda is written all over most of this double EP's material. Not so much over the tongue in cheek intro or some of its interludes. But "Veddel Bav" as the first centre-piece of this collection sets the pace already. Don't fall for Wruhme's signature artistry of evoking groove out of micro-sampling while this track is building up. It'll be bulldozed by a bass heavy kick and off-beat hi-hat-lashes soon enough. An insanely well balanced composition of accurately placed details and thumping massiveness, that is.
A layout that's elaborated even further on the title track you'll find opening the B-side. In-field recorded patterns, courageous delay-implementation, a take no prisoners mentality when it comes to prep this for the peaktime, a super simple yet super effective bassline (or rather -note), a buzzing and twanging percussive overload bound to what's usually known as 'a banger'.
Get some rest with "Tisma", a rather spaced out jam and then prepare to be shaken thoroughly by "Provol Eto", the cowbell decorated, synthbass fueled epitome of heaviness in this set of tunes. Safe to say, this adds to the most functional and relentless material, Wruhme has ever written.
No breathing pause granted, as "Maiowu" speeds up to utter D'n'B frenzy or as Wruhme himself describes it to a "sounddesign that's cut from rhythm" - a recourse to his mid 90ies rule denying, almost anarchic approach to production.
The final re-introduction of a straight kick then opens side D. "Wabb Bodun" - that's yet another no-frills, engine-room located stomper, inspirited and strengthened by rhythmic shifts and crisp tweaking alone. Well, and a sneezer. An in-the-red powerhouse that calls for an alleviation like the ambient farewell kiss "Ausgang". An assembly of textures that sets a peaceful conclusion to an energetic and mostly high-revving journey
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
A1 Eingang
A2 Veddel Braav
A3 Perluv
B1 Wuzzelbud FF
B2 Tisma
C1 Provol Eto
C2 Maiowu
D1 Wabb Bodun
D2 Ausgang
External assessment vs. self-conception by Robag Wruhme: "People always think, I'm that serene and quiet guy, but actually I'm quite a noisemaker." Could be that the majority of the material he put out in recent years, most notably the "Thora Vukk" album, led to the overall apprehension of Robag being the virtuoso of everything subtle, enigmatic and tenderly melodic. Well, that's far from being a misconception, but still just one side of the coin. The other side is embossed with his most current productions, consolidated to a double EP, captioned with the enchanting name "Wuzzelbud FF".
Wait a second ... "Wuzzelbud"? Devoted fans will instantly prick up their ears. We've heard that before. Back in 2004 Robag Wruhme released his first longplayer named "Wuzzelbud 'KK'". As there's no such scenario Robag might be running out of stream-of-consciousness turned nonsense titles for his music, this must be a vocabulary intersection linking the early days of his career with its status quo. And it is. Wruhme presents "Wuzzelbud FF" as the stylistic follow-up to his debut album, showcasing a sound he commits has been neglected for too long. Wruhme cuts to the chase: "I wanted to put out some straightforward music for the dancefloor, something for the primetime. Well, for the primetime of my sets, at least."
And that agenda is written all over most of this double EP's material. Not so much over the tongue in cheek intro or some of its interludes. But "Veddel Bav" as the first centre-piece of this collection sets the pace already. Don't fall for Wruhme's signature artistry of evoking groove out of micro-sampling while this track is building up. It'll be bulldozed by a bass heavy kick and off-beat hi-hat-lashes soon enough. An insanely well balanced composition of accurately placed details and thumping massiveness, that is.
A layout that's elaborated even further on the title track you'll find opening the B-side. In-field recorded patterns, courageous delay-implementation, a take no prisoners mentality when it comes to prep this for the peaktime, a super simple yet super effective bassline (or rather -note), a buzzing and twanging percussive overload bound to what's usually known as 'a banger'.
Get some rest with "Tisma", a rather spaced out jam and then prepare to be shaken thoroughly by "Provol Eto", the cowbell decorated, synthbass fueled epitome of heaviness in this set of tunes. Safe to say, this adds to the most functional and relentless material, Wruhme has ever written.
No breathing pause granted, as "Maiowu" speeds up to utter D'n'B frenzy or as Wruhme himself describes it to a "sounddesign that's cut from rhythm" - a recourse to his mid 90ies rule denying, almost anarchic approach to production.
The final re-introduction of a straight kick then opens side D. "Wabb Bodun" - that's yet another no-frills, engine-room located stomper, inspirited and strengthened by rhythmic shifts and crisp tweaking alone. Well, and a sneezer. An in-the-red powerhouse that calls for an alleviation like the ambient farewell kiss "Ausgang". An assembly of textures that sets a peaceful conclusion to an energetic and mostly high-revving journey
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
12" Excl
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Last in:27.09.2016
Configuration:12" Excl
Tracklist 12":
A. Audion's Backward Melody Remix
B. Moffa X Troxler LSOS LOVE/GOD Mix
Short info:
Originally released in 2014, Luciano's 'The Great Amael' is an enchanting and endearing trip; a lo-fi bubbling groove and dusted Hammond organs that hustle along whilst live percussion cuts through the oceanic atmospherics. Two years on, and Cadenza Music call upon a brace of remixers to provide fresh and unique interpretations of this hidden gem in Luciano's catalogue.
Having recently released his first album in over 10 years, Matthew Dear AKA Audion boldly steps up to the mantle and stamps his intelligent techno sound all over 'Amael' in the first of our remixes. Cutting a sprightly pace from the off, Audion melts stuttering sine waves and bulging tones over concrete beats, tweaking in the original organ riff and fathoms deep pads whilst adding additional vocal refrains as he playfully teases the arrangement before dropping a superb riff in his 'Backward Melody' Remix, which takes a most psychedelic and unexpected twist!
Two other musical heavyweights collaborate on the second of the remixes; Phil Moffa and Seth Troxler are no studio strangers, having released a joint project on the British Hypercolour label last year, and remixed for Tiga a few months back. Their LSOS LOVE/GOD Remix builds from ambient beginnings, save for a rhythm carved out of spongy electronics, a sturdy beat kicking in and setting the controls destination unknown, as the duo steer through breathy vocal cuts and propelling bass, stripping the remix back before leaping back into hyperspace with some adventurous and dubbed out vibes, before coming back down for landing with those unmistakable pads from Luciano's original.
A fitting remix package that brings together four of the electronic music scene's most dynamic talents, Luciano's music is given that extra special touch by respected and like minded individuals that will continue it's work on the more discerning dancefloors this Autumn.
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
A. Audion's Backward Melody Remix
B. Moffa X Troxler LSOS LOVE/GOD Mix
Short info:
Originally released in 2014, Luciano's 'The Great Amael' is an enchanting and endearing trip; a lo-fi bubbling groove and dusted Hammond organs that hustle along whilst live percussion cuts through the oceanic atmospherics. Two years on, and Cadenza Music call upon a brace of remixers to provide fresh and unique interpretations of this hidden gem in Luciano's catalogue.
Having recently released his first album in over 10 years, Matthew Dear AKA Audion boldly steps up to the mantle and stamps his intelligent techno sound all over 'Amael' in the first of our remixes. Cutting a sprightly pace from the off, Audion melts stuttering sine waves and bulging tones over concrete beats, tweaking in the original organ riff and fathoms deep pads whilst adding additional vocal refrains as he playfully teases the arrangement before dropping a superb riff in his 'Backward Melody' Remix, which takes a most psychedelic and unexpected twist!
Two other musical heavyweights collaborate on the second of the remixes; Phil Moffa and Seth Troxler are no studio strangers, having released a joint project on the British Hypercolour label last year, and remixed for Tiga a few months back. Their LSOS LOVE/GOD Remix builds from ambient beginnings, save for a rhythm carved out of spongy electronics, a sturdy beat kicking in and setting the controls destination unknown, as the duo steer through breathy vocal cuts and propelling bass, stripping the remix back before leaping back into hyperspace with some adventurous and dubbed out vibes, before coming back down for landing with those unmistakable pads from Luciano's original.
A fitting remix package that brings together four of the electronic music scene's most dynamic talents, Luciano's music is given that extra special touch by respected and like minded individuals that will continue it's work on the more discerning dancefloors this Autumn.
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
12" Excl
Label:Apparel Music
Configuration:12" Excl
Last in:30.08.2018
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Last in:30.08.2018
Label:Apparel Music
Configuration:12" Excl
Apparel Wax - 005A1
Apparel Wax - 005A2
Apparel Wax - 005B1
Apparel Wax - 005B2
Special remarks + Gadget " mini jelly slapping hand" for the first 250 Units:
Special remarks
This time the little treat you'll find with the vinyl (limited to the first 250 copies) is an Apparel Wax trademarked mini jelly slapping hand, to always remember not to take ourselves too seriously!
A1. 005A1 A2. 005A2 B1. 005B1 B2. 005B2
Apparel Wax is about to hit your summer hard with the 5th gem of the collection! Four tracks delivering our approach to this sound but always from different perspectives, which helps us to maintain that fresh energy we need to be able to keep on doing what we do. 005A1 with its funk attitude, powerful chords and stunning vocals creates a proper banger; that one tune we just can't stop shaking our hips and to. 005A2 is such a perfect blend of different feelings: are the strings a bit 80's? Is it just a new version of that kind of disco music? Instead it's just a mixture of sensations perfectly coexisting, brought together by the Apparel Wax matrix that just makes it a mature interpretation of a big musical influence. 005B1 features a piano loop that is a great tribute to classic house music and keeps on dialoguing with catchy vocals. The track elevates the spirit of the happy tune to a next level, leaving not only a taste of summer but a sense of coolness. 005B2 played after the first three hitting tracks, with its saxophone and synthesizers is a percussive, atmospheric and fulfilling way to end the record's narrative in perfect fashion; a record that displays an uncanny array of house/disco music performances. It is almost one year since the 1st one. We couldn't think about how good the response would have been from the listeners. So we'd like to thank you all for the support: it will push us to try and keep the level as higher as we can!
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore
Special remarks
This time the little treat you'll find with the vinyl (limited to the first 250 copies) is an Apparel Wax trademarked mini jelly slapping hand, to always remember not to take ourselves too seriously!
A1. 005A1 A2. 005A2 B1. 005B1 B2. 005B2
Apparel Wax is about to hit your summer hard with the 5th gem of the collection! Four tracks delivering our approach to this sound but always from different perspectives, which helps us to maintain that fresh energy we need to be able to keep on doing what we do. 005A1 with its funk attitude, powerful chords and stunning vocals creates a proper banger; that one tune we just can't stop shaking our hips and to. 005A2 is such a perfect blend of different feelings: are the strings a bit 80's? Is it just a new version of that kind of disco music? Instead it's just a mixture of sensations perfectly coexisting, brought together by the Apparel Wax matrix that just makes it a mature interpretation of a big musical influence. 005B1 features a piano loop that is a great tribute to classic house music and keeps on dialoguing with catchy vocals. The track elevates the spirit of the happy tune to a next level, leaving not only a taste of summer but a sense of coolness. 005B2 played after the first three hitting tracks, with its saxophone and synthesizers is a percussive, atmospheric and fulfilling way to end the record's narrative in perfect fashion; a record that displays an uncanny array of house/disco music performances. It is almost one year since the 1st one. We couldn't think about how good the response would have been from the listeners. So we'd like to thank you all for the support: it will push us to try and keep the level as higher as we can!
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.netMore