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Last in:28.08.2020
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Last in:28.08.2020
Configuration:CD Excl
CHINA- The qin, ziter of the literati - - 1. (Je m'en retourne) [Homeward Bound I Go] 5'05
CHINA- The qin, ziter of the literati - - 2. (Elégie pour les Anciens) [Elegy for Those Gone By] 2'43
CHINA- The qin, ziter of the literati - - 3. (En pensant à un ami) [Thinking of a Friend] 7'27
CHINA- The qin, ziter of the literati - - 4. (Tristesse sur la rivière Xiang) [Sadness on the Banks of the Xiang River] 3'
CHINA- The qin, ziter of the literati - - 5. (L'incantation du moine Pu'an) [The Incantation of the Monk Pu'an] 9'51
CHINA- The qin, ziter of the literati - - 6. (L'immortel des eaux) [The Immortal by the Water] 7'42
CHINA- The qin, ziter of the literati - - 7. (Trois variations sur les fleurs de prunier) [Three Variations About the Flo
CHINA- The qin, ziter of the literati - - 8. (Dialogue du pêcheur et du bûcheron) [Dialogue of the Fisherman and the Wood
CHINA- The qin, ziter of the literati - - 9. (L'adieu à Yangguan) [Farewell to Yangguan] 4'09
CHINA- The qin, ziter of the literati - - 10. (Le chant du vieillard ivre) [Song of the Intoxitated Elder] 0'44
No Sales to Benelux, France, Hong-Kong/China/Taiwan

Tracklist CD : (60'50)
1. (Je m'en retourne) [Homeward Bound I Go] 5'05
2. (Elégie pour les Anciens) [Elegy for Those Gone By] 2'43
3. (En pensant à un ami) [Thinking of a Friend] 7'27
4. (Tristesse sur la rivière Xiang) [Sadness on the Banks of the Xiang River] 3'33
5. (L'incantation du moine Pu'an) [The Incantation of the Monk Pu'an] 9'51
6. (L'immortel des eaux) [The Immortal by the Water] 7'42
7. (Trois variations sur les fleurs de prunier) [Three Variations About the Flowers of the Plum Tree] 9'11
8. (Dialogue du pêcheur et du bûcheron) [Dialogue of the Fisherman and the Woodcutter] 10'19
9. (L'adieu à Yangguan) [Farewell to Yangguan] 4'09
10. (Le chant du vieillard ivre) [Song of the Intoxitated Elder] 0'44

Short Info:

Recordings 2006 made by Renaud Millet-Lacombe. Notes by Georges Goormaghtigh.

Sou Si-tai, whose playing style is pure and serene, started out by learning to play the end-blown xiao flute and the side-blown di flute with Wang Quan. In the early 1980s, he started learning the qin with Mrs Tsar The-yun, master of the Fanchuan school, disciple of Shen Caonong, an especially gifted and highly talented musician who was initiated into the arts of poetry and calligraphy at an exceptionally young age.
Sou Si-tai is also a qin maker.
He teaches and gives concerts in many places in the world.