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Configuration:LP Excl
Last in:27.10.2015
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Last in:27.10.2015
Configuration:LP Excl
A1) The Flames, A2) She Once Knew , A3) She Might , A4) Never Talk Again , A5) About To Change
B1) Raging , B2) I Can't Tell , B3) There Is Still Time , B4) Where Everything Ends

Barotti is a musician and contemporary multimedia artist based in Berlin. After years of working on urban sound installations, performing arts and experimental music, he is now releasing his debut album. A soundtrack for fantastic futuristic fairytales. Epic and symphonic - with a deep electronic base.
Armed with iconic analog gear of the 1970s and 1980s, a hand-picked group of high level classical string and horn players and the whole imaginary world of his absurd fantasies, Barotti is opening up a new dimension in the vast field between contemporary classical and electronic music.
Rising stands firmly with one foot in the same mud as Woodkid and Sohn, and the other foot dipping into the past 200 years of classical music, resting in a lukewarm cocktail of Funkstörung and James Blake.
The album was recorded in Casablanca and Berlin. Co-written and co-produced with Swedish composer Anders Ehlin and German producer Valentin Sommer.

Biographical details:
Arriving in Berlin in 2007 after completing his music studies in drums at the Siena Jazz Academy, Barotti has pursued a wide variety of activities in the art world. He quickly joined forces with Plastique-Fantastique, producers of inflatable urban architecture. Together they started creating interactive sound sculptures. Their installations have been exhibited at Saatchi Gallery, Clerkenwell Design Week London and Design Week Milan. Their latest work Sound of Light (made for Urbane Künste Ruhr) won the Let's Colour Award. Their work also extends into pop: they have designed a stage machine for Peaches, now touring around the world. Barotti has also worked with Asphalt Piloten, an interdisciplinary group of artists transforming public spaces. Together, they have traveled all over Europe and Russia with various projects and have won the Swiss June Johnson Dance Award as well as the Kultur-&-Kreativpiloten Deutschland Award. In addition, Barotti also played the lead role in Berlin Für Helden, a movie by legendary German underground director Klaus Lemke.

For his live shows, Barotti has invented a new instrument: The Pneumatic Drums. This enables him to combine his percussive skills in an interactive electronic environment, using the inflatable instrument not only as a drum but also as a projection surface for his visuals. The machine resembles a multicolored UFO and immerses the audience in its euphoric psychedelic patterns and rhythms.

The album:
In 2012 Barotti travelled to Morocco with a group of dancers, musicians, visual artists, gathering in an antique house facing the sea of Casablanca. The whole foundation of Rising revolves around the epic sessions in that mystical Arabic house which were later shaped into complete studio productions in Berlin. With Barotti's background in jazz improvisation and the world of the performing arts, it was clear that this album would be a multifaceted collaborative production. Just as in a jazz improvisation - the different energies and skills of Barotti and his two friends have created something special. This is a new universe of sonic landscapes, created using only old pianos, rare synthesizers and analog effects.
The visuals for the cover artwork were drawn by Sandra Tebbe during the Moroccan recording sessions, using the ancient ceramic tiles on the walls of the house in Casablanca as her canvases.

"Ohne Barottis klaren, rauen, modernen Cinecittà-Sound wäre Berlin eine dunkle, böse Stadt. Thank you, Marco!" (Maxim Biller)
"Immer Action. Immer Liebe. Es hört nie auf und wenn doch, dann wünsche ich mir mehr." (Inga Humpe)
"In der aktuellen Musikszene, die bald überhaupt keinen puls mehr drauf hat, macht Barotti Musik für Gefängnisausbrüche". (Lemke)
"This is not Techno. This is an Opera" (Peaches)