The Analogue Cops, Blawan, - Quarto
The Analogue Cops, Blawan, - Aurum
The Analogue Cops, Blawan, - Illy
The Analogue Cops, Blawan, - Sickle
Vae Victis Records kicks off his records catalogue with a 4 tracks Ep where raw House and Techno get mixed up thru machines and then recorded on tape. The project, a 6 hands affaire, sees teaming up three of the most interesting artists of the moment: The Analogue Cops, duo already known for their imprint Restoration Records and for their Moodymann's remix under the Appointment moniker and Blawan, the UK producer who saw his debuts released last year by imprints such as Hessle Audio, Warp, R&S and soon on Clone who represents, alongside fellows James Blake, Pearson Sound a.k.a Ramadanman and Joy Orbison, the young breed of talentented new UK producers. Promising start for this new label!!