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Configuration:12" Excl
Last in:28.11.2016
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Last in:28.11.2016
Configuration:12" Excl
Connan Mockasin has the kind of deliciously off-kilter and gloriously idiosyncratic worldview that rapidly proves addictive. Once you’ve heard it, you can’t help but wish to go back for more.
Welcome, folks, to the delightful, slanted and enchanted world of Connan Mockasin. Like David Lynch’s wilfully surrealist take on American suburbia, or Richard Prince’s paintings investigating modern cultural tropes, the New Zealand born, current London resident Mockasin makes beautiful, off-kilter music which subverts as it compels, challenges as it mesmerists, startles as it seduces, even drawing fans as diverse as Johnny Marr and Radiohead to Ed Banger chief and ex Daft Punk manager Pedro Winter into its wide-eyed, childlike exploration into the final frontiers of pop music. It is all too rare, in this current climate of manufactured pop acts, grey over produced 'alternative' guitar music and press-fuelled mania for the next-big-thing, to hear something truly striking and original, but a strong case can most certainly be made for Connan to be a true pop auteur, taking his rightful place in a proud lineage which includes past mavericks such as Joe Meek and Brian Wilson, right through to current cult heroes like Ariel Pink, Sufjan Stevens and John Maus. It was this brilliantly ingenious approach to invention, and his masterfully unique charm that caught the attention of Erol Alkan, who signed Connan to his label Phantasy after hearing initial demos for the record. Connan has become the first artist to release a full album through Alkan's Phantasy, a perfect home for an artist who will undoubtedly evolve and reincarnate (and possibly re-invent?) over time.
Finally finding his feet with his own sound, Connan discovered a collective of like-minded experimental artists such as Micachu & The Shapes and The Invisible, as well as Late Of The Pier’s Sam Eastgate (who Connan is currently working with on the side project Soft Hair), clearing a path for the once perennial outsider as one of the most vibrant and engrossing musicians on the map. You’d do well to clutch him to your hearts now.
Special Packaging :
- Cristal clear vinyl
- 3mm edge vinyl sleeve with a black undersleeve
Face A
Forever Dolphin Love - Original
Forever Dolphin Love - Mickey Moonlight Remix
Face B
Forever Dolphin Love - Erol Alkan Rework
