Willie Tee
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Jessica Boston & Desert - The Beginning
Jessica Boston & Desert - To The Magic Garden
Jessica Boston & Desert - In the Magic Garden
Jessica Boston & Desert - Negative - Minus - Less
Jessica Boston & Desert - Positive + Plus + More
Jessica Boston & Desert - The Knowing
Jessica Boston & Desert - The Awakening
An immersive experience, part music, part hypnosis and meditation.
'This Feeling is You' draws on a range of influences; from the history of ambient music to research-based neuroscience to magical thinking. The album consists of seven interlinked tracks, each around eleven minutes long. One by one, they guide the listener on a metaphorical path through different states of thought and meditation.
It took one year to write the seven scripts and as part of her research, Boston sought inspiration from a huge number of sources. Whilst her work as a hypnotherapist provided a considerable insight, Boston also further studied a number of different practices such as: metaphor, ancient wisdom, religious ideologies, spiritual teachings, hallucinogenic medicine, principles of shamanism, mentalism, The Kybalion (1908), magic and spells, duality, numerology, rituals, poems, social media and even the basics of hip hop and rap.
These ideas were then aurally interpreted into a meditative ambient suite by Desert. Built on spoken word, controlled tone, rhythmic oscillation and sung vocals, it weaves in phrases of both direct and indirect suggestion and wraps around the words in a way that is gently present.
1 The Beginning
2 To The Magic Garden
3 In the Magic Garden
4 Negative - Minus - Less
5 Positive + Plus + More
6 The Knowing
7 The Awakening
Music by Desert - Cristina Checa & Eloi Caballé
Voice and words by Jessica Boston
Mixed by Inspirar Musica - Andre "Dretheghost" Risden
Mastered by Raising Level Mastering - Geoffrey Matthew, London 2019
Egg picture by Crista Leonard
Design by Studio Retief
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.net
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WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.net
Edition of 250 UNITS
English short Version
Almost five years after the inaugural compilation "El sol desde oriente", Passat Continu releases "El ser
y el tiempo", the first solo recordings of the Tenerife musician Javier Segura, a set of seven
compositions that make up a true exceptionality in the panorama of Spanish experimental music and that
have never before been uncovered for listening. This sound document recorded between 1976 and 1978
is presented remastered from its original tapes and with a bonus track, with the invaluable collaboration
of Juan Belda.
Genre: Early electronics / Experimental / Concrete musique
Spanish Version
Casi cinco años después del recopilatorio inaugural “El sol desde oriente”, Passat Continu lanza “El
ser y el tiempo”, las primeras grabaciones en solitario del músico tinerfeño Javier Segura, un conjunto
de siete composiciones que conforman una auténtica excepcionalidad en el panorama de la música
experimental española y que nunca antes han sido destapadas para su escucha. Este documento sonoro
registrado entre 1976 y 1978 se presenta remasterizado de sus cintas originales y con una canción
extra, con la inestimable colaboración de Juan Belda.
Existe cierto consenso en llamar transición española al período que va del fallecimiento de Francisco
Franco, el 20 de noviembre de 1975, a la ratificación mediante referéndum de la Constitución, el 6 de
diciembre de 1978. Años de agitación y anhelo democrático que la población vive con gran
intensidad. Aquejada por una larga enfermedad, la madre de Javier Segura fallece en 1976. El
tinerfeño tiene entonces 21 años y acaba de salir de su primera experiencia discográfica como
compositor en el cuarteto Huellas. Como todo el mundo entonces, Segura se ha educado en un colegio
religioso. Es allí donde empieza a cultivar interés en la música, el cine y la filosofía “dentro de mí
existía, y aún persiste, la idea de que somos un espejo donde algo o alguien se mira para
reconocerse. Es una idea que surge de la lectura de “El ser y el tiempo” de Martin Heidegger.”
Con el objetivo de seguir dando forma a las ideas, Segura destina la totalidad de sus ingresos a la
compra de equipamiento, experimentando en el desván de casa en los ratos libres. Se adentra en
sesiones extenuantes utilizando la metodología de las músicas de corte concreto, grabando encima de
un casete Sony, reproduciendo encima de otro al tiempo que mete más instrumentación por la entrada
del micrófono. Así varias veces hasta sobreponer tres, cuatro y hasta cinco capas. En 1977 se hace con
dos Tascam de carrete abierto de cuatro pistas. Las cintas grabadas en los casetes Sony se pasan al
magnetofón para luego volver a encima del mismo, y así una y otra vez. En sus más de 40 minutos de
duración, en “El ser y el tiempo” suenan flautas, saxos, un vibráfono, un piano, un violín, un arpa, un
salterio turco, un Crumar DS-2, sintetizador monofónico de dos osciladores y de más de 50 kilos de
peso popularizado por Sun Ra en los años 70 e incluso unas placas de metal.
A1 – 1, 2, 3 secuencias (5'31”)
A2 – Andrea Ex 1
A3 – Andrea Ex 2
A4 – Andrea Ex 3
B1 – El Mencey loco
B2 – El ser y el tiempo
B3 – Medication. El sueño ante el espejo
B4 – Para piano
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.net
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WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.net
Javier Segura - Pasaje Hindú
Javier Segura - El Silencio
Javier Segura - Jardín Marroquí
Javier Segura - El Aborigen Parte I
Javier Segura - La Máquina
Javier Segura - La Advertencia
Javier Segura - Extraños en la Sabana
Javier Segura - Lamento Bereber
Javier Segura - Melodía en Re
For a good number of Spanish musicians, attracting attention from somewhere outside of Madrid
was a mission impossible for several decades. While the Movida Madrileña, commonly referred to
as the “Madrid scene” in English, stirred things up and made front page news on the basis of new
wave music, musicians that were on the fringe or directly beyond it had few platforms from which
to be heard.
Although Javier Segura has been recording music in his studio almost continuously since the 70's,
his relevance and recognition as a musician has been limited to underground music circles. The fact
that he worked outside of the country's spotlight of power kept his name relatively unknown for
years, something which even the arrival of the internet could not illuminate. Only the appreciation
of a few collectors and disc jockeys kept the light on.
Passat Continu delivers here the first ever compilation by the spanish musician Javier Segura (born
1955), who worked as an isolated cell from his home studio in San Cristóbal de La Laguna, in the
Canary Islands. Working for decades from the underground, Segura build up some brilliant ideas
producing dozens of richly textured songs, stretching borders on ambient, experimental rock,
dreamy folk or concrete music. Using guitars, rhythm boxes, trumpets synths or simply pedals,
Segura managed his own career and produced while published a handful of albums by himself: El
ser y el tiempo (1976), No mires atrás (1983), Nostalgia de lo humano (1986), Lamento bereber
(1989), El ángel caído vol I, la lluvia azul (2004), Levántate (2005) and El orden y el caos (2006).
He also teamed up with Juan Belda on only impro project Arte Moderno (1981-1982), using the
Roland TR-808 rhythm box as a main actor for the first time in the post-Franco’s Spain era.
'El sol desde oriente' uses three of that songs and add six more previously unreleased productions
from 1980 to 1990, probably his most active period of time. Available on vinyl and digital through
Bandcamp. Digital version includes two extra tracks. Vinyl comes with insert with unseen photos
and liner notes by Javier Segura and Passat Continu’s curator David G. Balasch.
All music written by Javier Segura except Jardín marroquí, written by Javier Segura and Juan Belda
under the name of Arte Moderno.
A1 Javier Segura– Pasaje Hindú
A2 Javier Segura– El Silencio
A3 Arte Moderno– Jardín Marroquí
A4 Javier Segura– El Aborigen Parte I
A5 Javier Segura– La Máquina
B1 Javier Segura– La Advertencia
B2 Javier Segura– Extraños en la Sabana
B3 Javier Segura– Lamento Bereber
B4 Javier Segura– Melodía en Re
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.net
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WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.net
Sheila Chandra - ABoneCroneDrone 1
Sheila Chandra - ABoneCroneDrone 2
Sheila Chandra - ABoneCroneDrone 3
Sheila Chandra - ABoneCroneDrone 4
Sheila Chandra - ABoneCroneDrone 5
Sheila Chandra - ABoneCroneDrone 6
Few albums have treated human voice and drone as a whole entity like ABoneCroneDrone, the third in a trilogy for Real World Records that this record closed back in 1996. In Sheila Chandra's own words "it was about the gateways between vocal techniques from different cultures and how it was possible to cross between them within a single word or phrase."?
Indipop Recordings founder Steve Coe, probably best known for helping to popularise the term World Music in the early eighties, produced and worked with extreme accuracy along with Chandra on all drones and set a new industry standard of what was possible in the treatment of voice. With the help of bagpipes, didgeridoos and guitars, ABoneCroneDrone puts drones under the microscope and encourages listeners to retrain their ears to hear the nuances that musicians have always heard in them. Emitting low, chantlike waves, Chandra sings deep spaced atonal words while haunting chord sounds flow and drones slowly interact with listener.
This is the first vinyl pressing. It includes a fold-out insert with a new Sheila Chandra interview, original sleeve notes edited by Chandra herself and unseen pictures taken from the 1996 sessions. Limited to 500 copies, no digital release this time.
"The artistry of ABoneCroneDrone is in the attention to detail. The album is beautifully performed, mixed and compiled with intelligence and strong sense of structure. It makes good use of a listener's valuable time while issuing a challenge to hear in a fresh way." John L. Walters, The Wire issue 150.
A1 ABoneCroneDrone 1 7:26
A2 ABoneCroneDrone 2 8:04
A3 ABoneCroneDrone 3 7:30
B1 ABoneCroneDrone 4 7:06
B2 ABoneCroneDrone 5 7:18
B3 ABoneCroneDrone 6 7:18
Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.net
MoreSicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen / safety and manufacturer info (GPSR)
WAS - Word and Sound Medien GmbH
Liebigstrasse 2-20
DE - 22113 Hamburg
Contact: gpsr@wordandsound.net